▪︎part thirty two▪︎

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Y/n only ever ran away once in her life. Only once had she let something scare her so badly that she ran away and that was her father. Even then she one day faced him on her own terms, with a rebuilt confidence. But as the sun slowly set into soft shades of pinks and purples, a fearful Y/n ran from the gas station. She knew what had scared her wasn't in that bathroom. She knew she couldn't run. It would always follow her and haunt her from within and she would have to somehow learn to live with it. But right now she just couldn't be alone. She needed someone. She needed Five.

She bolted down streets, her backpack barely clinging to her shoulders as she flew past bystanders and cars. At this rate it wasn't long until she reached the library she had instructed Five to go to and she quickly entered, breathlessly panting in the doorway. People gave her a mixture of confused and concerned glances before carrying on with their business but she didn't care as she stormed throughout the place in search of her love.

It soon became apparent that the library was much bigger than she remembered and that finding him would be much harder that she had thought. Sighing softly, still trying to catch her breath after her marathon there, she leaned against one of the pillars, having already searched multiple floors. However a woman's giggle caught her attention making her glance over to find the source of her laughter. But upon seeing what was so funny she rushed over to the woman, pushing her aside.

"Five! Five. Wake up." She called, shaking him. He refused to wake up, instead letting the empty bottle fall from his hand. Among the scene was the familiar mannequin Y/n couldn't stand. "When did you get the fucking doll?" She mumbled, pulling it from his hands and tossing it aside. "Where are you're guys' parents?" A woman asked behind them but Y/n ignored her as she cupped Five's unconscious face in her hands. She brushed the messy locks from his face, checking to make sure he hadn't hurt himself and was just in a drunken sleep. "I'm going to call security." Another more stern sounding woman threatened. Y/n sighed letting Five lean back into the wall before standing up and turning to the woman. "Do it. It'll be the last fucking thing you do." Y/n snarled as Five snored behind her.

Y/n turned back to him, a soft prick of affection stinging her heart as she looked down at his innocent face. The woman stormed off angrily and Y/n crossed her arms having dealt with enough people today. "Is he-um...?" A familiar voice stammered behind her. She turned to see Diego and Luther standing there staring down at Five. "Drunk as a skunk." Diego chuckled making Y/n roll her eyes. She bent down taking hold of his face again. "Five. Five!" She called shaking him softly. "Luther pick him up, security is gonna be on their way soon." She directed, picking up the doll from the floor, knowing Five would be upset if she didn't. Luther nodded grabbing hold of Five and lifting him into his arms.

"What happened?" Diego asked, gesturing towards Five, who was drunkenly snoring. "I don't know, we split up for a few hours." She explained trying not to give too much detail. She wasn't quite ready to tell them. Hell she didn't even know if she was going to tell Five. Thankfully his current state made that decision for her. For now.

"Where did you go?" Diego asked following Y/n and Luther as they made their way out of the library. "I wanted to try and find who started the fire, the one that destroyed the Meritech building?" Y/n lied. Diego nodded, and she sighed in relief that he didn't ask anymore questions. They stepped out into the street, gaining a few looks from the people who passed by. Y/n lead them down into an alleyway, out of the line of sight a little, to keep from getting questioned. She then turned and put the doll in Five's arms, pausing momentarily to look at Five and make sure he was alright. Luther watched as she did, a sharp pain in his chest as he saw the look of affection hidden in her annoyed gaze.

He knew that no matter what Five did, Y/n would always love him. He stood no chance. Y/n's eyes flicked up to Luther and her look softed into a gentle stare before turning away and leading them down the alley. The sounds of the city filled the air and the four found themselves, walking in an unknown direction. "So where do we go?" Y/n asked hating the silence that filled the group. "Well we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment." Luther explained trying not to focus on his aching heart which was violently ripped out of his chest yet again.

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