▪︎part twenty eight▪︎

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Bullets persisted to shower down on the siblings making them tense as they tried desperately to avoid the danger they were in. There was nothing they could do.

A loud grunt filled the room followed by the silence of the bullets ceasing. Both siblings looked up to see Luther walking over to the smaller of the attackers while Allison took on the larger man. Diego grabbed Y/n and lifted her up, setting her away from the attackers before rushing to Allison's aid. Diego began to slam his fists into the man's back trying to make him let go of Allison's throat but nothing was working. Y/n ran at the man jumping unto his back and jabbing her elbow into his shoulder tissue, a hit that could potentially make him loosen his grip of Allison, however the man didn't seem fazed. If only she had Luther's power.

As if on cue Luther stepped into the room punching the man in the abdomen with his advanced strength. Allison gasped as she collapsed into Y/n, who almost fell trying to catch her sister. Luther yelled throwing the man into the front room, making him crash into the table beside his partner. "Who the hell are these guys?!" Allison cried helping Y/n up. "My wound-" Y/n tried to cry as blood seeped through her t-shirt. "You're welcome." Luther said as Diego stood up. "We were doing fine!" Diego defended. "Oh yeah, you really had them." Luther scoffed pointing to Allison. "Guys-" Y/n tried again but to no avail. "Ever hear of a rope-a-dope?" Diego tried arguing before all four of them ducked down to avoid being shot.

"Get out of here now! Go!" Luther instructed as Allison lead Y/n out of the room. "Diego!" Y/n yelled trying to go back into the room but Luther held her back keeping her from doing so. "Y/n go!" He called, crawling out of the line of fire. Luther pulled her back making them go out into the hall. "Hello? Guys?" The familiar voice of their sister called making Y/n's eyes widen. "Is everyone okay?" She questioned to no answer. "Hello? Guys?" She called again.

Y/n pushed out of Luther's hold running out into the front room and up to Vanya. However the man had hit her across the face making her slam into the table. "Vanya!" Y/n cried running past the man and to her sister, not caring if she was next or that she was beginning to bleed out again. "Hey, asshole." Luther called making Y/n look up at him. He stood there, tall and strong, ready to defend them all with his life. It was like seeing him as he once was, long before Five and Dad and the moon. When he still had hope, when they all had hope. When he was their Number One.

The male attacker paced towards Luther, swinging the battle flail he must've gotten from one of the cabinets of Dad's old stuff. He swung it at Luther but Luther grabbed hold of the man's hand and made him throw the flail to the floor. The attacker yelled before grabbing hold of Luther and throwing him to the ground.

"Vanya, are you okay?" Y/n asked brushing Vanya's hair aside as she surveyed her for any injuries. She had a small laceration on her temple but otherwise she seemed unharmed. "I'm alright." Vanya mumbled looking around confused. Her eyes landed on Y/n's blood soaked shirt and they widened in concern as Y/n helped Vanya up off the table. "Y/n. You're-you're bleeding." She stammered worriedly. "So are you. I'll be fine, we have to get you out of here." Y/n said anxiously as she pushed Vanya behind her protectively. "Go Vanya." Y/n cried. "Vanya, get out of here!" Luther yelled, grunting as the man yet again hit him.

Vanya nodded hesitantly before Y/n ran out into the front room to help Luther. "Luther, tag me!" She yelled reaching out her hand for him. Luther turned to her, staring at her open palm as melancholy settled into his heart at the simple action that reminded him of too many moments at once. He reached out, slapping her hand as the male attacker hit him again making Luther bend over from the blow. The man then turned to Y/n taking a few threatening steps towards her. She yelled ramming her first into the man's abdomen before quickly moving and placing hits along his ribs and back.

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