▪︎part thirty four▪︎

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The car came to a sudden stop making Y/n groan as she jerked forwards. Diego quickly apologized before unbuckling and getting out. "Hey, hey, wait!" Y/n called leaning to face him through the open door as he paused. "Be careful, first sign of trouble, you come back." She told him sternly and he nodded before rushing off. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she fell back into her seat. The hangover she had stupidly given herself was slowly wearing off and she couldn't help but let herself think of Five.

She missed him. She knew she had just seen him but it felt like they weren't really together when they were together. The apocalypse and family drama was so distracting and overwhelming. She just wished she could stop time. Wished she could stop the apocalypse. Wished she could undo all the trauma and horrible memories their father had left them. Wished she could fix her family. But she knew until the world was safe she wouldn't be able to attempt fixing anything, let alone her family of misfits. The apocalypse was in a matter of days. What were they going to do?

The sound of sirens filled the area as red and blue lights flahed against the windshield. The driver's door was yanked open as Diego fell into the car, quickly booking the car out of the lot. "What's going on? Where's Klaus? Digeo!" She yelled as Diego swerved out onto the street, receiving multiple annoyed honks from the cars behind him. "Diego, what happened?" She asked bracing herself against the seat as Diego sped down the street, not much caring about safety at this point. "Diego pull over." She instructed. Something was obviously wrong and Diego seemed to be very emotional which scared her. She knew he shouldn't be driving and she wanted to get some answers.

"Diego!" She yelled making him snap out of his daze before he nodded, pulling into an alley way, out of the way of traffic. He parked letting his hands drop to his lap as his head hung. "Diego, what happened? Where's Klaus?" She asked growing more and more worried for both of her brothers. Was Klaus hurt? Or worse? Diego shook his head, "He-he wasn't there." He stammered. Y/n sighed anxiety settling into her heart for her still missing brother. "It's ok Diego, we'll find him. We'll get another lead." She tried too soothe, placing a gentle hand on his back but he flinched pushing her hand away. "No you don't-she-she..." He studdered, tears filling his eyes. "Who?" She asked softly.

"Patch-she-she..." He gave out a frustrated yell from his shudder as all of his emotions crashed down on him. He had lost his mother and now one of the only people he trusted. He couldn't lose anyone else. "They killed her." He sobbed. He was so angry at himself and her killers and Five. He just wanted it all to stop. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry Diego. She was a good woman." Y/n said tenderly as Diego broke down. She slowly reached over, pulling him into a hug. He didn't fight this time, instead letting her hold him like she had done so many times before when they were younger. She was always there for him no matter how many times he pushed her away. And his guilt for everything he had done to the people he cared about was becoming overwhelming. He had to do something. And he knew it wasn't going to be good.


"When's it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse." Luther asked. "Well I can't give you the exact hour but...from what I can gather, we have four days left." Five answered in a hopeless tone. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther asked angrily. This was something big. Something everyone should've known. Why did he keep it to himself like this? "It wouldn't have mattered." Five mumbled, his hangover slowly fading into exhaustion. "Of course it would've. We could've banded together and tried to help you stop this thing." Luther raved, irritated with the idea that Five handled the weight of the world in his hands alone. "For the record, you already tried." Five cut in knowing where Luther would go with this and that it wouldn't work.

"What do you mean?" Five sighed, pausing as the painful images of his dead siblings filled his mind. "I found all of you. Your bodies." Five told Luther. "We die?" Luther asked in shock. The idea of them failing never occured to Luther. It seemed like a surreal ending. They always saved the day when they were together. "Horribly. You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world." Five sighed. Luther stayed quiet for a moment, trying to take in his future. The future of the world.

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