▪︎part fifty four▪︎

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Five braked hard as they arrived at the cabin, all of the brothers climbing out of the vehicle to find their sisters. Luther rushed forward up to the door, kicking it in while the others followed behind. However Five paused, catching a figure on the ground a few meters away in the corner of his eye. A sick feeling developed in his gut as he grew terrified of what he might find. But deep down, he knew.

Tears began to well up in his eyes as he slowly made his way forward, scared to confirm his suspicions. "No." He mumbled in anguish. It couldn't be her right? She was fine. She wasn't the one on the ground. But as he grew closer he realized all his hopeful thinking was pointless.

There she was, the love of his life, laying lifeless on the ground. Her arms and legs were scraped up and there were small scratches on her face, presumably from the glass that was shattered around her. There was a small pool of blood around her head, showing that she had mostly died due to the severe head injury. But there was one factor among the horrific scene that hurt Five more than anything.

Her face was peaceful, as though she was asleep. Her beautiful features he so loved to admire as she slept, would be the last thing to remember. "No-no, God, no." He gasped, unable to breathe as he looked at her. The tears that he had fought to hold back came crashing down, and so did he as he fell to his knees beside her. He reached out for her, pulling her broken body to his chest as he began to rock, sobs racking his body as he brushed her hair out of her pale face. "No, please. Please, Y/n!" He screamed, looking down at her.

Depression washed over him as the harsh reality hit him hard. She was never coming back. The light of his life was extinguished. The reason he lived for so many horrible years alone, was gone. She was dead.

And he wanted to die too.

"Y/n! No, please!" He begged, his sadness washing away to give way to his anger. "I told you not to go!" He yelled his tears falling down on her undisturbed face. "It was dangerous!" He screamed, ignoring the sound of footsteps behind him. "Oh my god." Klaus whispered upon seeing his sister, dead in Five's arms. "I told you!" He shouted, his sobbed making him shake uncontrollably as he held on desperately to her. "Shit." He whimpered. He wanted to be mad. Wanted to feel anything but the emptiness within him. But he couldn't. Y/n was his everything.

"Please!" He sobbed, running his hand over her soft yet cold cheek. "How-" Klaus stammered unable to form words as he stepped closer, running his hands through his messy hair. Another set of footsteps approached but Five didn't care. He wanted to be lost. The way he had always been lost with her. Wanted to be completely overwhelmed with her presence. With her love. "Guys, we need to leave, Allison-" Diego began to explain before he too realized the tragedy before him. "Is that-?" He began, unable to complete his statement. Though it didn't matter. He knew exactly who it was.

However unlike Five and Klaus, Diego remained still and quiet. It had to be a joke. Klaus yelled out in frustration as he paced behind Five, tugging on his hair as he began to cry as well. Diego couldn't grip what was happening. Y/n couldn't really be dead. She was just there. How could she be gone so quick?

A quickened and heavy set of footsteps came down into the gravel followed by Luther's frantic call. "Come on guys we have to get Allison back to the house!" He cried marching towards the car and putting Allison inside. He then turned to the others with a panicked expression. "Come on, what are you guys waiting for?!" He yelled. Five turned to Luther, anger burning within him. "Luther, Y/n-she's-" Klaus started but Five cut him off venomously glaring at Luther. "Y/n's dead, Luther!" He screamed at him. Luther's eyes widened, not yet processing what he had said. "She died and it's your fault!" Five yelled, holding Y/n tighter.

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