▪︎part two▪︎

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She looked around the old house. None of her siblings had been around yet, probably reminiscing in their own ways, but she knew it wouldn't be long before they did and the house would turn into chaos. So she tried to enjoy what little fond memories she had in this monstrous house that she hated. Antique furniture and decorations gave the house a grand yet old feeling like if it had been 50 years earlier the house would've been very admirable. Strange and assorted objects were on tables and in glass cases such as varied animal skulls, books, and their figurines from the umbrella academy that existed 17 years ago.

Suddenly she noticed a familiar woman sitting out of character on the couch. "Mom? Mom are you ok?" She called but to no response. She felt confused but turned and directed her gaze at the portraits. The ones their father had made them sit through claiming that the academy needed to be recorded within these. She remembered how she thought it was his way of getting a family photo, even if they had their masks on, hiding their true faces. This was quickly debunked after pleading with Dad to let Vanya join. She had even asked Allison to use her powers on him but she refused, slightly terrified of the idea. Memories of all those longing stares and the hundreds of tears shed by her sister filled Y/n's mind and she felt terrible yet again.

However before she could get too lost in her guilt, another portrait was visible from the corner of her eye. It was a portrait I knew too well and perhaps the only portrait in the house containing just one person. This person sat strong and proud, just as he would've had he have been there for the painting. The way his eyes shone under the spotlight for the photo almost made his eyes burn into her as though she had done something. Or that she hadn't. Tears began to build up, clouding her vision as her mind wandered back to her beloved Five.

"Y/n?" A familiar, timid voice called and she rapidly blinked before turning towards her sister. "Vanya? You came. Not that that's a bad thing, I mean." Y/n said softly as she walked towards her. She brought her into a short hug and smiled caringly at her before pulling away. "I'm glad you came." She said trying to soothe her sisters nerves. "Yeah well that makes one of you." She retorted while rubbing her arm, a nervous habit she had developed over the years. "Don't worry about them ok? We're all here for Dad and if they try to start something I'll handle it." Y/n explained and Vanya nodded looking away.

"Y/n? Vanya? You guys actually came." Allison said shocked. "Hey Allison." Vanya greeted as Y/n shot Allison a pleading look. "Hey sis." Y/n replied staying next to Vanya. Allison stepped forwards before chuckling softly and hugging them both. But the happy moment didn't last long as their brother stepped into the room, "What is she doing here? You don't belong here. Not after what you did." Diego said bitterly before walking upstairs. "You're seriously going to do this today?" Allison asked turning towards him. "Way to dress for the occasion by the way." Y/n called frustrated at him for never putting any effort into fixing their torn relationships. "At least I'm wearing black." Diego called before disappearing.

"You know maybe he's right maybe I should-" Vanya began to stammer and I held her arm comfortingly. "Forget about him." Allison said. "Yeah we're glad you're here. And you have as much right to be here as he does." Y/n said smiling kindly at her. Allison excused herself making her way to the old telephone in the hall and Y/n lead Vanya into the large living room she had been in before. Vanya's eyes scanned the room moving from the large boar on the wall down the the magazines and comic books containing her siblings. She looked away and began to walk towards the books on the shelves.

Y/n sat on the couch mentally and emotionally exhausted. "Do you think you'll miss him?" She asked Vanya. "I don't know. I mean I hated him but he was still our dad." Vanya told letting her fingers trace over the bindings of the novels before grabbing her autobiography. Y/n watched with sad eyes as Vanya's regretful fingers trailed over the cover. "Welcome home Miss Vanya and Miss Y/n." Pogo said making them both turn in his direction slightly startled. "Pogo." Vanya said relieved as she walked towards him. He pulled her into an embrace and Y/n watched the interaction with a smile. They pulled away and Pogo turned to Y/n almost expectantly. Y/n laughed softly walking over to hug him as well. "It is very good to see you both." Pogo said smiling proudly at the two.

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