▪︎part twenty seven▪︎

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As night began to fall, Y/n found herself wandering aimlessly throughout the house she knew so well. Small memories came to her as familiar objects or areas caught her eye and a warm feeling filled her heart as all the horrid memories were pushed aside. "Find what you're looking for?" Diego called leaning against the wall as Y/n put down the small figurine of herself. "Well um I'm not really looking for anything in particular I suppose. Just taking a trip down memory lane." She explained as Diego walked to her, picking up his own figurine.

"I don't understand why. This house was a nightmare everyday and night." He shook his head, setting it down next to Y/n's. "Yeah, trust me I know." She scoffed trying not to express the pain in her words. However Diego and her always had a way of reading each other like a book despite whether or not they tried to hide it. "Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry. What Dad did to you...it was unspeakable and we all should've stopped it. I know saying that now doesn't do anything but if I could go back-" Y/n quieted him with a soft smile and the wave of her hand.

"Don't apologize for that. What Dad did to me was his fault and his alone. I don't want you to ever feel guilty for something you couldn't control. If you had done anything it's possible you would've shared my fate and I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." Y/n told him, keeping her tender smile. Diego nodded softly, directing his stare to the floor. "Y/n I really missed you. I know I haven't exactly been the most open person to you or anyone for that matter but you've still been there for me." He said guilt for his iniquity taking hold of his heart.

"Of course. You're my brother, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." She replied. He chuckled softly as those simple words filled him with a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. He felt loved. He cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable and out of place in such a compassionate moment and wanting to change the subject as soon as he could. "Well I was going to go find Mom." He stated adjusting his figurine in the case. "I'll go with you. I wanted to get one of her recipes off of her, I kept forgetting." Y/n informed following the man towards the gallery where there mother usually went in her spare time.

"Oh really? You can cook now?" Diego chuckled. "For your information I can. Every time I come here to pay my respects to Ben I'll ask her for a new recipe which I'll try to perfect on my own before bringing it to Mom. She really likes when I do that. And if I can't do it, she teaches me. It's really nice spending time with her like that. And now that Dad's gone, she'll need it more than ever." Y/n elucidated. Diego nodded knowing Mom would definitely need them a lot more now that he was gone.

"So what recipe were you going to ask her for?" Diego asked as they turned down the corridor of their bedrooms. "Well you know those waffles she-" The sound of a gun cocking made Y/n pause as her eyes widened before him. "Diego, watch out!" Y/n screamed and he barely had any time to react before Y/n grabbed him by the abdomen, tackling him behind the wall. Gunfire showered down throughout the hall and Y/n covered her head, using her own body to protect Diego. "We have to find our siblings!" Y/n cried removing herself from her brother as soon as the initial attack subsided. Diego kneeled pushing Y/n behind him as he pulled out his knives. He peeked around the corner before pressing his back to the wall and curving the knives around the corner.

The knives bounced off their animal themed helmets and Y/n grabbed Diego's hand, dragging him down the hall in the moment of distraction. "Who are these people!?" Diego yelled as they ran down the hall, desperately searching for any of their siblings to inform them of the threat in their home. "They're the ones that shot me! They attacked Five and I and we barely escaped." Y/n explained rushing around the corner and pressing her back to the wall as she waited for the two attackers to catch up. "You go find our siblings, I'll hold them off." Y/n said waving her hand frantically for him to leave. "No way I'm leaving you with the people who shot you." Diego said protectively standing beside Y/n. "I'll be fine." She assured.

But it was too late as the male of the pair stepped out into the siblings' line of sight. Diego attacked first, going to the man while Y/n went for the other one. Diego twisted the gun out of the man's hand before repeatedly punching him in the stomach  hoping to give a good blow to stun him. However there was no such luck as the man seemed to withstand every hit Diego threw at him. But Diego wasn't the only one struggling. Y/n had focused her attacks away from the head, going for more unprotected and sensitive areas such as the neck and ribs. The woman seemed to be just as skilled as the man and with Y/n's wound and unprepared nature, it was easy for the woman to take advantage.

"Diego your knife!" Y/n cried. Diego quickly threw one of his blades making it curve around the man and back to Y/n, who caught it and stabbed it into the woman's side. The woman cried out, clutching her side in pain as she tried to aim her weapon. "That's for shooting me, bitch." Y/n snarled before turning to Diego, knowing that with his partner slowed down, the man wouldn't be as big of a problem. Diego still fought the man, even though nothing he was doing as actually doing anything.

"Cha-Cha shoot him!" The man cried as the woman lifted her gun with a grunt. "Get out of the way, dumbass!" She yelled. Y/n kicked the gun out of the woman's hand before going to Diego and grabbing his hand as she dragged him down the hall. He stumbled behind her still a little disoriented from having headbutted the man with a metal helmet. "Come on!" Y/n yelled running straight towards the railing the kept people from falling into the living room. But as Diego watched Y/n's movements he realized that's exactly what they would be doing. But with the gun fire behind them growing louder, Diego had no choice but to follow his sister's lead.

She jumped kicking off of the railing and fell straight into the couch. Diego followed, narrowly missing his sister as he landed on the couch. They both crawled behind the couch, becoming silent as the bullets stopped. Diego stared up at their father's portrait which had been shot multiple times, ruining the painting. The sound of the attacker's footsteps drug Diego out of his daze as they both peeked out to survey the area.

The room was quiet as the two pairs waited to see who would make the first move. But as Diego moved back to avoid being spotted, the table behind them moved giving away their cover. The attackers began to shoot the couch almost hitting both of them as Diego took hold of Y/n protecting her as she had him.

There was no way they were making it out like this.

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