▪︎part fourteen▪︎

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Y/n and five spent that night together, ordering take out and talking about the old times they had together. And making some new ones. They got what sleep they could before Five insisted they leave to find the owner of the eye. Y/n drove him to the company that manufactured the eye and Five instructed her to stay in the car but she had never been one for following orders. She trekked behind him as he made his way to the prosthetics department, a determined attitude replacing the one he had last night. She let her mind wonder back to the night before and her cheeks turned red as she shook the memories away.

"So how are we going to do this?" She asked him as he stopped in the middle of the room unsure of his next move. "I don't know." He answered as a man looked towards them. "Uh can I help you?" He called, standing beside the front desk. Five turned away from Y/n and towards the man. He glanced down at the eye in his hand before walking to the man and holding it up for him to see. "I need to know who this belongs to." Five demanded. The man seemed confused and stunned by Five's bluntness. "Where did you get that?" The man asked glancing between Five and Y/n who came to stand beside him.

"What do you care?" Five argued. The man and Five exchanged awkward glances and Five looked back at the eye. "I found it, at a playground actually. Must've just popped out." He lied, clicking his tongue. Five smiled and the man returned it politely yet still showed hints of being uncomfortable. "I wanna return it to it's rightful owner." Five explained and the woman behind the desk smiled. "Aw what a thoughtful young man. You have yourself a keeper miss." She said to Y/n and her already red cheeks burned darker.

"Yeah. Look up the name for me, will ya?" Five said maintaining his not so friendly smile. "Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you." The man said and Five sighed annoyed. "Yeah, I know what it means." Five replied growing increasingly frustrated. "But I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just-" The man said reaching out to grab the eye from Five. Five jerked it away, "Yeah, you're not touching this eye." He sneered and Y/n knew Five was at his breaking point.

"Now you listen here young man-" The man began to say and Y/n watched as Five hastily grabbed the collar of his coat, pulling him down to his face. "No you listen to me, asshole." Five barked and Y/n almost wanted to laugh at the man's scared expression. "I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way." Five said with a terrifying smile he had come to perfect. "And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall." Five yelled.

"Oh dear." The woman behind the counter said, glancing at Y/n. "He definitely is a keeper." Y/n giggled and the woman stared horrified not sure who to be more afraid of, the boyfriend or the girlfriend. "Call security." The man said in a strained voice. "Yeah." The woman said picking up the phone and beginning to dial for back up.

"Come on, love." Five called reaching out his hand for Y/n to take. She smiled at him finally calling her that without there being an emotional crisis and grabbed his hand in her slightly smaller one before letting him lead her out of the building. "Well that was a whole load of shit." Five mumbled as they reached the car parked on the street.

"Well I know you're probably not gonna like it but we need an adult of some sort. And I doubt anyone whose sober is gonna help us." Y/n sighed leaning against the car. "No. Absolutely not." Five said shaking his head. "You got a better plan?" She asked him. He looked at her really not wanting to ask his brother for help but he eventually gave in, getting into the car, heading towards the Hargreeves mansion.


"I have to go find something, go tell Klaus to wear something professional." Y/n told Five before walking down the hall, leaving him to find Klaus. Y/n walked down the hall towards her room remembering how she had left her clothes there, her pants containing her identification for work. She didn't know if it would help them any but it was definitely worth a shot with Klaus being their Plan A. But as she opened her door she was surprised to see Grace sitting on her bed, staring with an  emotionless expression at the floor.

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