▪︎part sixty one▪︎

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Flickering lights forced their way into Y/n's vision as her eyes blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what was happening. Her head throbbed and she clutched her skull in her hands, crying out in pain. Her thoughts were scattered as she willed herself to look around the room. Vanya laid unconscious beside her and Y/n reached out for her, shaking her gently. Vanya didn't move but Y/n could tell she was breathing steadily. The flickering lights irritated her pounding head but she couldn't give up, instead willing herself forward. She stumbled to her feet, looking around the room and fighting to maintain her balance.

Why was Luther doing this? He had claimed to love her for decades and constantly fought for her. He promised he would always protect her. Always accept her. Always love her. What had changed? She had more powers than they had thought but that didn't change who she was.

She felt like she was going to cry but her sadness was pushed away as dread seeped into her heart. She recognized the room instantly and she felt sick as panic struck her. It was the room that had tormented her throughout her early childhood, a childhood she was just recently beginning to discover. Though the room itself had gone through some changes, such as the soundproof walls and the change of lighting, the room itself held a darker energy, one that was permanently drilled into her soul.

"No. No, please." She begged, tears filling her eyes as she looked around the room. To her it was still the dark room with dirty walls and that single metal chair in the center. She could almost feel the straps from the arm rests around her wrists and she found it difficult to move as anxiety froze her blood. She spun around to face the door, pushing herself towards it. She broke out into tears upon seeing her brothers, both staring worriedly at her as she sobbed. She hysterically pounded on the window before abruptly stopping as she gasped for the quickly fleeing air. Klaus shook his head stepping closer to the door and pressing his hand to the glass.

"Klaus please, open the door." She cried, pressing her hand to his. Her vision was cloudy with the ever growing collection of tears and hope was growing dimmer than the room she was trapped in. She fell to her knees, her shoulders quaking in cries as Klaus pounded on the glass trying to break her out of her panic attack. It killed him, not being able to help her. She was always there for him whether it be his drug abuse issues or his PTSD, she was there. But he just had to watch her crumple into herself.

Diego's muffled yelling could be heard but she didn't even attempt to hear it, instead choosing to go to Vanya. She moved over to her sister's unconscious form, shaking her feverishly as she hastily wiped her face. Vanya jolted awake, instantly climbing to her feet and gazing around the room like a deer in headlights. "No. No." She panted beginning to hyperventilate as she turned towards the door. Y/n sat defeated on the floor as Vanya ran to the door, pounding more wildly on than she had. "No guys let me out, please!" She screamed, continuing to hit the glass.

"It's no use, I've tried. They're processing." Y/n managed to call, making Vanya turn to her. "Y/n." She cried, staring at her sister. Guilt was all she could use to describe how she felt when she looked at her sister. Y/n had always been there for her, no matter what their siblings or Dad said. She watched Vanya grow up, and became the supportive sister she needed. And what had Vanya done in return? She killed Y/n and got her trapped in this horrible place with her. She didn't even know what to say.

"It's ok. We'll get out of here. We just need to let them cool down a bit and come to their senses, okay?" Y/n soothed, pushing herself to stand and face Vanya.

Vanya wanted to cry. She wanted to be angry and scream and cry until her throat was raw and her eyes were sore. She wanted to be angry at someone, anyone, but the only person she could hate was herself. After all she had done to her poor sister, Y/n still put her first. She still made sure Vanya was alright before herself. It was obvious that Y/n was having her own panic due to their imprisonment but she was able to put it aside for Vanya. And Vanya killed her.

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