▪︎part fourty five▪︎

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The two pulled away from each other horrified as they were snapped back into reality. Both were very confused as they tried to make sense of the information they were given. What was that? A vision? Why had they both experienced it? Did it have something to do with her touch? Y/n couldn't understand what was happening, which made her scared. But also a sense of relieve? If the vision was real then she really did know him before, which meant she wasn't going crazy. But if it was true it also left room for so many unanswered questions.

Neither one talked of the odd vision as they made their way to the motel room. It felt like a memory but since both couldn't recall it they tried to dismiss it as a weird occurrence. But what really scared them was the idea that it really was a memory, which would suggest that some part of their childhood had been fake. Gray felt like his whole life had been a lie and he fought to maintain his composure as he faced the crisis within his mind. In that vision he appeared to be the same age of the young girl that resembled Y/n. Did that mean he wasn't really 25? If so what happened to those 5 years of his life? Where had they gone?

Y/n set down the bag of muffins on the table, the uneasiness in her gut making her unable to consume anything in that moment. She had to have known him. She heard her own mother say his name, it had to mean something. Maybe if she somehow got back to the house or even to Five he could help her find some answers? She let herself wonder if maybe her siblings remembered anything about Gray. They seemed pretty young in the vision, 5 or 6 at most, they had to have some kind of recollection.

Gray moved on auto pilot towards the case, picking it up and walking back out of the room making Y/n watch him confused. "Where are you going?" She questioned as he turned back to her with a blank stare. "We have a mission. I'm going to complete it, since it's the only thing that makes sense right now." He answered before turning away. Y/n quickly went after him, slamming the door behind her. "So that's it? You're not even gonna talk to me about it?" She questioned as he stormed away. "Why would we talk about it? You saw exactly what I saw." He persisted. "But-I don't know..Just I don't understand." She mumbled making Gray pause. "I don't understand either. But I don't really want to know." He confessed. Y/n stared at him stunned, "Why wouldn't you want to know? We knew each other during our childhood. I think that's worth some kind of conversation." She snapped. He looked down at her stressed expression, feeling guilty for his unwillingness to talk with her. "I'm sorry, ok? Just-just if that vision is true, then my whole life has been a lie. I'm not sure if that was kept from me for a reason or not but I don't really want to find out." He explained.

"But that's all of the more reason to find out. If your whole life is a lie, why? And who did this? What if they did this to use us? Don't you want to find out who's responsible?" He sighed, his shoulders slacking. Of course he wanted to know. He wanted to know exactly what was going on and why. But he was terrified of the truth. What if something horrid had happened? Did he really want to know? Would he be barking up the wrong tree? "I don't know. But for now I vote we complete our mission and don't talk about this." He said pushing away all of his questions. Y/n followed along, knowing she would get nowhere by trying to convince him. They walked down the street for a few minutes, not speaking a word to each other before Gray paused, looking down an alleyway where a lone car was parked. 

He then walked to it and Y/n waited nervously looking around for any onlookers before following after him. "So now you're going to steal a car?" She asked as Gray wrapped his tie around his fist. "Aren't you tired of walking?" He asked, readying his fist. But before he could break the window Y/n appeared in the driver's seat staring at him unamused. He was shocked initially, having never seen her use 'her' powers, but then turned annoyed as she unlocked the doors of the car. "You could've done that this whole time?" He muttered exasperated through the window. She smiled a little, enjoying his annoyed behavior. He opened the door motioning for her to move to the passenger seat. "Hey no, I've always wanted to drive a stolen car." She pleaded. "Y/n, not now." He sighed but she refused to move. Rubbing his forehead in frustration, he looked down at her sitting happily in the driver's seat. "No, come on." He said not giving into her faked innocence that usually got her anything she wanted with Five. She frowned still not moving. There was a part of her that hoped Gray would be like Five. She didn't know why but she felt that through this she could somehow prove it. She wanted them to be the same.

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