▪︎part fourty three▪︎

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A soft blue shined in through the navy curtains making the room appear as though it had come out of a movie. Y/n's eyes slowly blinked open, squinting at the light until her eyes adjusted. She looked around still half asleep as she tried to piece the previous day together. Her gaze shifted over to her new partner, who still lay asleep on his stomach, holding the pillow tightly. Through her half lidded eyes, she stared at him, not really thinking about anything else. He looked so peaceful as he slept. His eyes were softly closed, his dark lashes rested on his cheeks which had stared to grow a bit of stubble along with his jaw and chin. His hair fell even messier than before over his face and ears and in the light she could see the red in his hair better than ever. She watched as his shoulders fell and rised, creating a better display of his muscles and Y/n suddenly wondered if this was why he didn't have a partner.

They'd fall in love before they even know the truth about his past. Before they really knew him.

She sat up and yawned a little as she stood, making her way to the coffee maker. She began to brew some coffee, the smell of the grounds radiating throughout the small room. She then went back into the bedroom part of the room, seeing Gray stare up at her. His eyes were squinted, as hers had been when she first awoke, and they slowly focused on her as he lifted himself up from the bed. "I'm making some coffee." Y/n announced as Gray stretched his arms above his head. "How do you take it?" She asked. Gray groaned and ruffled his hair, "Black." He answered. Y/n nodded walking back into the room and pouring a cup. She was beginning to see surprising similarities between Gray and the man she loved and it make her unable to think of anything else.

Both had a dark past, neither one usually talked about and both a protective side that was directed at her. Then there were minor details that they shared such as coffee taste. However they were two totally different men she had insisted on telling herself, and this was true. Gray chose laughter over seriousness in most situations while Five would probably desire a more serious manner. Gray was young and despite Five's appearance he was much more mature then Gray and her combined. But there was one more detail that made her feel an emotion she had never felt before.

Five loved her unconditionally while Grayson probably only cared about her as his partner.

She shook away the thought as Gray walked into the room, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. She kept her back turned to him, instead focusing on the two cups before her. She couldn't really be upset over Gray only caring for her like a partner. That was childish and unlike her. In 17 years she had cared for no man other than Five yet here Gray was working his way into her heart with his charm and his smile. Y/n nearly jumped as Gray reached his arm over her to grab the cup that she had poured for him. "Whoa, didn't mean to scare you. You're really out of it this morning, you didn't hear me call your name?" He asked. She shook her head, her face reddening in embarrassment and also at how close Gray was to her. He was practically pressed against her back.

"Sorry just-uh didn't sleep well." She lied, escaping out of the close proximity with Gray. He stared confused as she back stepped with a red face, "I think I'm going to take a shower to wake myself up. Would you mind washing my clothes while I'm in there?" She said trying to find an excuse to be alone. "Sure, drop them outside the door." He answered, slowly catching onto her weird behavior. "Cool, thank you." She said quickly before rushing off. She went into the cabinet beside the bathroom, grabbing a towel before locking herself in the room. She sighed hating herself for how awkward she was being. She didn't care for him like that. Maybe like a brother but never the way she cared for Five. She gazed into the mirror at her pink face believing that maybe after a shower the feelings will wash away.

She began to remove her uniform, letting them drop to the floor as she sighed. In the mirror she could see that her injury was healing nicely since Five had stitched it and her lack of pain from it proved that. She missed him. She really did. Gray was nice and sweet to her and it was a little flattering to get such treatment from someone other than Five, but she didn't want to feel flattered. She wanted to feel the adoration that Five always stared at her with. Wanted to feel the warmth in his hug or the tenderness of his kiss. Wanted desperately for him to come back.

She wrapped her towel around herself before cautiously peeking out and dropping her clothes outside the door. She walked back to the shower, turning it on and setting her towel on the counter before stepping in. She washed off all the mess from the chaos she has been living lately, trying desperately to forget the moment with Gray earlier. It wasn't right. Wasn't it a little fast? It didn't seem real. Five and Y/n built their relationship together their whole lives. She knew Gray for a day. What was it, love at first sight? It couldn't be real.

She quickly washed off before turning off the water and stepping out. "Gray!" She called wrapping a towel around herself. "Gray!" She called again when he didn't reply. She sighed, guessing he had gone out to get food or something before stepping out into the room. "Gray?" She called again anxiously as she made her way to the washer and dryer. She noticed that her clothes had been put into the dryer and she was grateful that Gray had stuck to his word but her clothes still had 10 minutes on them. She debated on going back into the bathroom and waiting for them to be finished but since Gray was gone she figured she could sit on her bed and watch TV. However as she made her way back into the bedroom, a soft breathing made her stomach drop. There on the bed with a towel wrapped around his hips was Grayson dead asleep. "Oh my god!" She yelled making him launch up in fear. "What! What happened?!" He cried as Y/n pressed herself against the wall trying to hide herself but in her panic she hadn't done a good job. "Why are you naked?!" She screamed. "Why are you out of the bathroom?!" He retorted, standing up from the bed. "I tired calling you but I thought you left so I went to check my clothes! Why are you naked?!" She asked again, peeking her head over her shoulder before shoving it back against the wall. "I figured I'd wash my clothes too then take a shower when you were done!" He explained, still yelling out of fear.

"Fine!" She yelled, building up the courage to run back to the bathroom. "Fine!" He yelled after her as she slammed the door. "Why are we yelling?!" She shouted through the door. "I don't know!" He yelled back, the springs of the bed, telling her that he collapsed back onto the bed. "I'm sorry!" She yelled, her heart still pounding at the awkward situation. "I'm sorry too!" He yelled back in a mix of embarrassment and sincerity. She sighed deeply, sinking down the floor.

What was she doing? What was this? The universe was working against her and making every situation with Gray so awkward like some form of torture. She wished Five would come back. She was in love with Five. She knew that as soon as she saw him again any doubt she felt now would melt away. She just had to hold on.

She would not fall in love with him.

Gray groaned rubbing his face in frustration. He was completely blowing his chance for a partnership with her. He just wanted a partner. Someone he could depend on and trust. After he told her about his past he knew he would never get that. He made it weird for her. It didn't help that everytime he saw her his heart picked up a million miles per hour. He knew it was wrong. To the world she was 13 years old but he knew she wasn't. When he saw her he could see the woman she was underneath and how badly she wished to be that woman again. It must've been hard being thrown back into your past self and having to grow up all over again. He wished he could help her. And he also wished he could throw away the feelings that he felt when he saw her.

He would not fall in love her.

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