▪︎part fourty one▪︎

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Y/n gasped as her feet landed back on the rough concrete of the sidewalk. She felt her head spin and her mind felt like it had been through a blender. Was that what time travel was supposed to feel like? Did she forget how it felt or had she been too worried about Five to notice? Either way her body ached and Gray noticed this, putting his hand on her back to steady her. "It'll take a bit to get used to. The full-body itch, the jet lag, all of it will go away soon." He promised and she nodded, adjusting her suit. "Yeah it's certainly different then when I time travelled." She told him as she looked around at where they landed. They were in the same city where she had always lived, the familiarity yet small differences in it making it seem surreal. Gray paused, thrown off by the statement. "When did you time travel?" He asked as she walked to the news paper rack that stood outside the small street shop to the right of then. She grabbed one of the papers scanning it for the date. As she had hoped they landed on a certain day in time that would change her life forever. "Today."

Y/n began to walk down the street, heading the route towards her childhood home, a route she knew by heart. "Whoa, where are you going?" Gray called, following after her. "To the Hargreeves mansion." She answered as he caught up with her. "What? Why?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. She stopped, taking a deep breath as she looked into his soft eyes. She knew she had to slow down, she was getting too caught up in the way she had felt that horrible day. "I'm sorry...just-just today is the day I lose everything. I-I have to be there." She said almost losing her voice as she became overwhelmed with emotions.

"Hey, it's ok. I'll take you there, I just want you to talk to me ok? We're partners now, you can depend on me for anything. Now let's go." He smiled beginning to walk down the street. She stood unmoving as a bit of joy pricked her heart at his words. He hardly knew her yet he was willing to place his trust in her and do what she wanted to do. Gray paused turning to her upon realizing that she was stuck frozen on the sidewalk. "Are you coming or what?" He chuckled. Y/n nodded, pushing the shock away. "Yeah sorry, just thought I heard something." She lied walking to him. He smirked not believing her yet keeping it to himself as to not upset her.

"Alright next question. Favorite color?" He asked. She smiled softly shaking her head. "Seriously? What are we in elementary school?" She asked trying to fight back a laugh. "Hey, I'm just trying to get to know you." He defended. He could tell that she was emotional. It was kind of obvious when her voice began to crack and a hint of tears filled her eyes. He felt happy that he was able to calm her down a little and make her smile again but he also felt guilty by bringing her here and dragging up memories of such a big moment in her life. He felt an instant connection to her, something that didn't happen often, his lack of a partner being proof.

He liked everyone just fine but none ever made him feel as though he needed to work with them. However right when he locked eyes on her he knew he had to be her partner. May it be an instinctive impulse to protect her or just a strong curiosity in the girl, he was unsure but either way he was thrilled to be working with her. "Alright fine, f/c. Happy?" She replied with a smirk. "Yes, actually I am. You're quite a sassy one." He retorted making her roll her eyes. "That's rude. Now what's yours?" She asked, laughing to herself. He didn't hold back, telling her exactly what he thought and she found it kind of refreshing to get an opinion from someone new.

"Feldgrau." He answered. "Of course." She said. It was an unusual color but she could see that being a color he liked. It closely resembled his eyes and his personality had suggested he had unique taste. "You're an interesting character, you know that?" She commented and he shrugged, unashamed. "Well you're not too normal yourself, sweetheart." He argued. She shook her head, "Well, that I know. Growing up with 7 siblings and 6 of them having powers, makes you a little weird." She explained. "Well now you've got me intrigued. Withholding juicy details such as these is pure evil." He joked. "Well guess I'll have to tell you another time. You still haven't asked me what my favorite animal is." She replied making him scoff dramatically. "As if I would forget. That is the most important question of all." He laughed. "Well if you must know it's a f/a." She told him. "Good choice." He complimented, letting the case swing at his side a little as they approached the building Y/n had spent most of her life in.

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