▪︎part thirty eight▪︎

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The car rumbled as Luther pulled to the side of the empty road. Y/n's mind still buzzed from the dream she had and she racked her brain for anything similar. It felt like a memory but she never remembered even going into this dark room. "You know, I never enjoyed it." Five said making Y/n look up. "What?" Luther asked confused by the random statement. "The killing. I mean, I was-I was good at my work, and I-I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure." Five said trying to justify why his solution to kill was his immediate response. "I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind." Y/n could tell he felt guilty. She did too. She wished he hadn't spent all those years alone, wished she had been there to give him what little company she could supply.

"I wish I had stayed. Maybe-" Y/n stopped when Five looked back at her with a hard stare. "No. Y/n I would go through all 45 years again if it meant you wouldn't have to spend a day in that world. Was it hard? Yes, but you know what I kept thinking of the whole time? You living in the time you were meant to and actually living a life. And you did. You became a surgeon, you have a cat, you actually maintain relationships with our siblings, something none of us have done. Y/n, if you had stayed, you wouldn't have that." He told her making her look down. "I would've had you." She mumbled.

Luther watched as Five sighed, looking at the floor of the car. "Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time. I only spent four years on the moon, but that was more than enough. It's the being alone that breaks you." Luther added. Y/n sighed staring out the window, trying to distract herself from her guilt, even if it meant letting herself relive the dream. "You think they'll buy it?" Luther asked trying to change the mood of the car. Both of them looked down at the case as Five sighed deeply. "Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Oh, not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back." Five explained. "Well, I should hold onto it." Luther proclaimed. "Hm?" Five questioned confused. "In case they make a move on you." Luther continued. "Ok, Luther, but be careful. I mean, I've-I've lived a long life, but you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it." Five warned. Luther stared at Five strangely before looking back at Y/n who put a thumbs up to Luther, trying to show him that Five was being nice in his one unique way.

Luther sighed as Five quietly drummed on the dashboard, waiting for the two attackers to arrive. Y/n sat up, slipping her hand past the head rest of Five's seat, letting it lightly graze his jaw making the drumming stop. He took hold of her hand, kissing the palm as a subtle pink appeared on his cheeks. Y/n giggled softly before everyone's gaze settled on the car driving up in the distance. "Here we go." Five sighed as they all got out of the car, standing awkwardly on the side as they waited for the attackers. "Oh, Y/n. If this all goes sideways, I love you." Five said looking over at her. "I love you too but it won't. And if it does, I'll kill you. I'm not losing you again, bastard." She laughed. He chuckled smiling at her softly as the two assassins got out of their car, sporting their animal masks.

Five walked to them leaving Y/n and Luther with the case. Luther looked over at Y/n, who stared worriedly, leaning against the car as Five talked to the two. "He really does love you." Luther said suddenly. Y/n looked up at him, knowing where this was going. "Luther." She sighed. "He does. Better than I ever could." He continued. Y/n stared at him from across the car, seeing the heartbreak he felt through his downcast stare. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I knew what Dad was doing and instead of admitting that he was a horrible father and protecting you, I avoided the issue. Avoided you. It was my fault I lost you and I can't blame you or Five for any of it. Just-" He paused scared to say something he had never admitted out loud. Something he never admitted to her.

"I love you. I always have and I lost you because I'm a coward. I'm so sorry." He confessed. She stared at him shocked. What was she supposed to say to that? Part of her wanted to say it back. She did love him, but not in the way that he would want. Not anymore. Five was the only one for her and he knew that. So why was he saying this now? And what was she supposed to reply with?

She wasn't given anytime to think or even reply before Five walked back to the car, sighing as he leaned against the vehicle. Y/n stared at the ground trying to escape Luther's desperate stare. "What happened?" Five asked, sensing the tension between the two. "Nothing." Y/n replied, looking towards the other car, watching as the woman dialed on the payphone. Five turned to Luther who also looked away knowing Five was giving him a threatening stare down. "I'm sorry, Y/n." Luther mumbled. "Can we not do this right now?" She replied bitterly. Did he think that maybe if he said this that she would just fall back into his arms? And he had to audacity to do this in front of Five? "Do what?" Five asked, his rivalry with Luther sparking up again. "Nothing." Both Y/n and Luther insisted as a soft music began to fill the air.

All three turned to face the large ice cream truck driving unusually fast down the road towards them. Y/n soon recognized the musical chimes as Ride of the Valkyries and everyone exchanged confused looks, wondering what this new factor was to the already complicated situation. "Is that her?" Luther asked looking at Five. He didn't answer, trying to make out who was behind the wheel of the large truck. However what none of them expected was to see Klaus waving at them with the largest grin on his face with Diego in the passenger seat. "Oh my god, he can't drive!" Y/n yelled worriedly, beginning to rush down the street in a futile attempt to help her brothers. "What the hell is he doing here?" Five asked watching as they drove past.

Y/n stopped as Klaus rammed into the two assassins, knocking them back. She was too far to stop it yet close enough to see that one of the attackers had fired a bullet in Five and Luther's direction. Luther stepped in front of Five in a protective manner, meaning he had seen the attacker fire as well. In a moment of haste, Y/n made a rash decision that could potentially protect her brother and the love of her life, but would put herself in danger. However in the heat of the moment she didn't care what had happened to her. She spatial jumped in front of the bullet in a heartbeat, her safety being the last thing on her mind.

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