▪︎part fifty two▪︎

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"I'll forgive you."

After a few minutes of hugs and sweet nothings in her ear, Five got Y/n to stand and leave the room. He wanted her to be able to move forward from what she saw as soon as possible. He himself was having a hard time understanding the fact that she had more powers and what exactly they were left him bewildered. The two made their way down the hall, Five pausing to escort Y/n into her own room.

"I'll be ok, Five." She mumbled softly. He caressed her knuckles gently in his hand before looking up at her. "You're a strong girl, Y/n. You always have been. But right now, you don't have to be." He explained. She stared at his pensive gaze, "I really am ok." She insisted, pressing on a smile. Five knew she was lying but rather than try and argue with her, he kissed her forehead before turning and heading back to his room.

His mind raced with thoughts of Y/n's powers and their father's true death. How were the two connected? Could he really use his siblings to save the world? He quickly dressed, being mindful of his wound before walking out into the hall to Y/n. She was dressed in her uniform, sitting thoughtfully on her bed. He called to her and she glanced up, slightly startled before smiling at him. "So what now?" She asked walking to him. He lead her down the corridor, "I guess we have to save the world." He shrugged. They arrived at Klaus's bedroom and Five quickly knocked almost pointlessly as he walked in the next moment. Klaus struggled with the black yarn he was trying to knit while Y/n followed Five into the room. "Hey. Get up we're going." Five announced. "Where?" Klaus frowned. "To save the world." Y/n answered. "Oh is that all? Great." Klaus said almost a little disappointed as he sat up, setting the yarn beside him.

"So, Pogo said Dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?" Five asked, trying to recap. "Yeah, so?" Klaus asked, noticing Y/n's upset gaze and opening his arms for her. She couldn't help but smile as she walked to stand before Klaus, letting him wrap his arms around her waist and rest his head on her chest. "So it got me thinking. I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened, but Dad, he can't time travel. So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?" Five continued, his usual jealousy no where to be found. He knew that if even he couldn't cheer Y/n up, there was only one person who could. And that was Klaus. "Well, you know-" Klaus began to answer, shifting his head to face Five.

"Don't answer. That was purely rhetorical." Five snapped. Klaus's expression turned into a pout making Y/n smile and run her hand over his messy hair. "Truth is, our whole lives, he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse." Five described. "Yeah, but I always thought he just said that to scare us into doing the dishes." Klaus said looking up at Y/n and brushing away her hair. "Me too." Y/n gasped making them both giggle. "But what if the old man really knew it was going to happen?" Five hypothesized. "Yeah, but knew how?" Klaus asked pulling away from Y/n shortly to pull on his shoes. "No idea. But the fact remains, his fakakta plan worked." Y/n reached down plucking a multicolored shirt from the ground and Klaus sniffed it before deciding to pull it on. Her face twisted in disgust as Five continued, "We all came home. We're here, we might as well save the world." Five finished. "Oh yeah? What, like, the three of us?" Klaus said taking hold of his sister's hand. "Uh, well, ideally, no, but gotta work with what I've got." Five said looking back at Y/n. He knew she was capable of so much more than he had ever imagined. Maybe she was all they needed all along. Maybe she really was the weapon he believed she was.

A frantic set of footsteps raced down the hall towards them, making all three look towards the source. They belonged to Diego who turned into the room next to them. "Where have you been?" Five asked. "Jail. Long story." Diego answered. "Where's Luther?" He questioned. "Haven't seen him since this morning." Y/n answered, stepping in front of the two to check on her brother. "Yeah. Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid." Klaus chimed in. Diego stepped out of the room sighing in frustration, "Shit. Allison is in danger."

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