▪︎part twenty nine▪︎

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"I'm sorry too."

Y/n slowly pulled away from Luther, his embrace lingering on her skin as she stumbled back. She gripped her bloodied side, wincing when her body shuddered. "Y/n, are you alright?" Luther asked stepping forwards. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just uh-tired." Y/n explained turning away from Luther. "Are you sure?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. He really didn't want her to leave. For the first time in years he felt something between them, something he didn't regret or wish hadn't occured. It was something wonderful that he wanted to keep.

"Yeah I'm fine, Luther. Really I just need to get some sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning, okay?" She explained, gently trying to convince Luther she was alright though it was clear she wasn't. Luther knew this. He knew she was hurt, hell he was hurt and he had super strength. But he wanted to respect her space, he didn't want to push her away. If only he realized the severity of the situation.

"Alright. Get some rest, ok? If you need anything I'm here for you." He offered and she nodded trying impossibly hard to maintain the smile. She then quickly rushed off down the hall towards her own bedroom, which she barreled into as she slowly lost her ability to stand. She collapsed to the floor beside her bed her breathing growing ragged as she frantically dragged the covers off of her childhood bed. "Fuck." She sobbed as the adrenaline and emotions that blinded her pain faded. She pulled her tshirt off pressing the blanket into the wound, stopping the bleeding as much as she could with her weakened strength.

She reached for her beside table, throwing open the drawer and digging through the random objects for the first aid kit she always kept there for injuries that she didn't want anyone to know about when they returned from missions. Grabbing hold of the small box, she threw it beside her and opened it, shuffling around the items in search for a needle and string. Once finding them she peeled off her shirt letting the soaked fabric fall beside her. Blood was slowly seeping from the tear and she felt the area pulse in pain. Biting harshly into her lip, she let her hands take hold of the needle and thread, positioning it at the end of the tear.

She held her breath as she pierced the needle through, beginning to suture the wound. It hurt. Like hell.

The girl fought back tears and she drove the needle through the most sensitive area of her body, still weak from blood loss and injuries from her fight with the man. Eventually her hands stopped shaking and she created a pace with the stitching. About half way through her wound became numb, making the stitching easier in a way. She was still losing blood but not as drastically as before and she hoped she would be able to close the wound before her body shut down. Her breathing was rough as she tied off the stitch and she let out a harsh sigh as her hands dropped to the floor.

She gave herself a moment to breathe before sitting up from her slouched position. A searing pain went throughout her core as she stood, immediately falling into her bed. Her vision became blurred as she ripped her bed sheet, tying the strip around her waist to prevent further bleeding. And with her wound taken care of, she let herself relax into her mattress and pull the sheet over her bloodied body, allowing herself to get some much needed rest.


"Y/n." A groan filled the air as the girl quietly stirred. "Y/n." The voice called along with a light hand on her shoulder. Y/n's eyes weakly blinked open, slowly focusing on her sister who sat at her bedside. "Allison?" She questioned, rubbing her eyes. "Y/n what happened? Your room is a mess." She asked turning towards the room. It was in fact in disarray, much more than Y/n had remembered causing last night. In fact her room had been in perfect condition aside for the blanket and first aid kit on the floor.

But her room had looked as through an earthquake had demolished the place. Pictures Y/n held dear to her were broken on the floor and books were off of the shelves. Something had did this. But what?

"I uh, it must've been the attackers. Maybe they were looking for something." She mumbled only partially believing herself. Allison remained quiet, trying to figure out her next words.

"Y/n, listen. Last night, those people that attacked us they-" Allison paused looking down at the floor. "They did something. They-Mom-" She stammered trying to find her words. "Mom?" Y/n asked sitting up from the bed. Her abdomen had settled into a dull sting and Y/n suspected it was probably had something to do with her possessing Luther's power, more specifically his durability. "What happened to Mom?" Y/n asked worriedly. Allison refused to answer instead choosing to lead Y/n to the scene of the crime.

The walk down the hall was excruciating. Y/n's heart raced as a sick feeling settled in her gut and deep down she knew. She knew exactly was was wrong even before seeing the hurt look on Luther's face. She stepped into the gallery where their mother usually resided and tears filled her eyes before even seeing her mom. Y/n slowly circled around to the front of their mother, a sharp pain striking through her heart. There she was, as beautiful as ever. But she was gone.

Her eyes were downcast and lifeless and Y/n began to sob, cupping her mother's cheek. "Mom? No please, Mom?" She sobbed staring into the eyes that once held so much life even though that was the one thing their mother didn't have. "Y/n." Luther began but Y/n shook her head, falling to her knees before Grace. "Please just leave me alone." She cried laying her head into her mother's lap. "I didn't want it to happen like this." Luther tried to plead.

"I know, Luther. Please just go." She said softly, not trusting herself to speak anymore. Anger and sadness filled her making her absolutely miserable and unsure of where to direct the feelings
She feared if Luther stayed any longer she may direct them at him and she didn't want that. Luther nodded, hurt by her words. Yet again she had isolated herself from him and this time it struck him harder. Would she ever fully open herself to him?

A soft humming sounded throughout the kitchen as the sweet scent of chocolate cookies filled the air. Y/n stumbled into the kitchen, cheeks wet with tears and bloodied knees. "Mom." Y/n whimpered with a small, pitiful look that most children wore. Grace turned away from the oven, her gentle gaze landing on her daughter. "Diego pushed me." Y/n sobbed. Grace smiled softly at her daughter, bringing her into her arms and setting her upon the table. "Why did he do that?" Grace questioned, going to the cabinet and grabbing a small first aid kit, an item that was constant throughout the home.

"Because he's butthead." Y/n mumbled as Grace paced back to the table. "Well I'm sure he didn't mean it, love." Grace soothed, running her hand over Y/n's messy hair. "Now I'll tell you what. I'll fix you up all good as new, and we can have some cookies before making Diego apologize. How does that sound?" Grace asked pulling out some bandages and antibacterial cream. Y/n nodded, watching as Grace tenderly cleaned the blood from her small knees.

"Can I have marshmallows on my cookie?" Y/n asked excitedly as Grace applied the cream. "Y/n, you know that those are Five's." Grace scolded, raising eyebrow. "Please?" Y/n begged putting on her best puppy dog look. Grace smiled putting the bandage in Y/n's hand. "Here help me put this on you." Grace instructed, taking hold of Y/n's hands and guiding her to place the bandage on correctly. "Mommy are you a doctor?" The little one asked Grace making her smile softly. "No love, being your mother is the only job I would ever want." Grace explained. "I want to be a doctor when I grow up." Y/n stated looking up at her mother. Grace brushed away the messy locks of h/c hair from her daughter's face before pressing a soft kiss to it. "You can be anything you want dear." Grace promised as Y/n pressed the bandage to her knee making sure to secure the edges as Grace told her.

"Look you did it! I'm so proud of you." Grace smiled making Y/n's brilliant smile return. The beeping of the oven made the girl's expression brighten even more and Grace plucked Y/n from the table placing her down beside her before opening the oven. The warm air and sugary scent flushed against Y/n's face filling her with a warm emotion. Taking a cookie from the sheet, Grace placed it on the plate before pulling the bag of marshmallows from the cabinet and sprinkling a few on top of the cookie.

"Shh, don't tell Five." Grace smiled putting a finger to her lips. Y/n giggled mimicking the woman before walking to the table and climbing up into one of the seats. "Thank you, Mom." Y/n said taking a bite out of the cookie, which melted in her mouth perfectly. Grace smiled patting her head, "Of course."

"I love you, Mom."

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