▪︎part fifity three▪︎

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A scream ripped through her throat as she was thrown to the harsh gravel of the ground. The impact was brutal however the shooting pain on her arms and knees were dull to the searing burn throughout her body from the jump. She had no idea where she had landed and her senses were pretty numb after the excruciating pain her body had been thrown into. But she could make out one sound, a sound that she admired and loved hearing. "Vanya?" She weakly looked up as her mind finally settled enough to hear the sound of a car pulling up beside her over the music. A blinding light filled her vision making her already fragile head pound as she stumbled to her feet. She felt dizzy and wanted to just collapse on the ground but the adrenaline of her worry made her push on as a silhouette of a tall figure stepped into her view, blocking part of the light.

She lifted her hand trying to make out who it was but upon hearing their voice she instantly relaxed. "Y/n?" Allison called over the blaring music, walking towards her. Y/n tumbled into her sister's arms, who looked around frantically at the situation. "What's going on?" She said looking around them. Y/n managed to look up from her sister to see that she had successfully made it to the cabin but something was wrong. The wind was strong which could've been normal if not for the fact that there was no storm. The wind was so strong in fact that everything around them shook, leaving an uneasy feeling within Y/n.

She knew what was happening. Had Y/n not had her own experience with powers in her childhood, the same thing would be happening to her. But Vanya was learning everything for the first time, by herself. She needed help.

"Vanya." Y/n managed to stammer as Allison lead her up the stairs to the patio. The violin, that had always played for as long as either of them could remember, continued to play taking on a more tormented tone as they approached. "Vanya?! Is that you!?" Allison shouted, letting go of Y/n to open the door. They both entered to see that everything within the cabin was shaking as well, as though the wind had followed them inside. "Vanya, there you are. What is going on?" Allison said worriedly. Vanya stopped turning to the two of them and Y/n took notice of the fact that everything around them stopped moving as well. "What are you guys doing here?" Vanya asked shocked as she stared at her sisters. "I came to find you. Are you ok?" Allison explained. Vanya's almost horrified stare slightly relaxed as she glanced between the two. "Yeah." She answered.

"There's something weird going on. What's causing it?" Allison asked as Y/n stepped towards Vanya. "She is." Y/n answered. Vanya seemed just as surprised and confused as Allison did, wondering how she had figured it out. "What do you mean, 'she is'?" Allison questioned. Vanya stared at Y/n, a deep feeling of relief and joy washing over her from those two simple words that her sister had spoken. She didn't feel so alone, so isolated. And though Y/n had never made her feel any of those things, it felt like she had truly become apart of the academy. She was family.

"Me. I made those things happen. With my powers. Turns out I've had them all this time. It's weird, huh?" Vanya explained, looking for the same feeling she had gotten from Y/n. She wanted to be accepted. "It-it's incredible." Allison said but her worried expression still left uncertainty to Vanya. "But?" She asked, a subtle pain and fear of rejection pricking her heart. "Ca-can we do this in the car?" Allison asked, wanting to get her and her sisters as far away from the cabin as possible. "Allison." Y/n cut in. She knew that Vanya wouldn't take what she was about to say lightly. And Allison knew that too.

"Why?" Vanya asked. Allison sighed, "You're not gonna want to hear it." Allison warned. "Well, that's never stopped you before." Vanya argued. "Please, now is not the time. We need to leave." Y/n pleaded. If Allison told Vanya now, she wouldn't leave. She knew what love did.

"Leonard Peabody? His real name is Harold Jenkins." Allison snapped, ignoring Y/n. "Remember when I couldn't find anything in the library on Leonard? It's because Leonard Peabody doesn't exist. Harold Jenkins does. He was in prison for 12 years. He murdered his father when he was 13." Allison continued, coming closer to Vanya. "This is insane. His dad was an engineer at the-" Vanya started to shut down the accusations. "I have the police report in the car, Vanya. I can show you." Allison pressed. "I don't- I don't understand." Vanya stammered, stepping back. "Leonard, Harold, I-I know it doesn't make any sense, and I know it sounds crazy, but we were in his house. He has pictures of all of us with our eyes gouged out." Allison described, trying to show Vanya just how evil her boyfriend was.

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