▪︎part nineteen▪︎

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His breathing quivered as he once again fell to his knees. She was stable. Thank god. 

"What happened? Who did this to her?" Luther questioned wanting to avenge Y/n. "Irrelevant." Five replied, returning to his cold demeanor as he walked to Y/n. He reached out placing a soft hand on her cheek. "What do you mean 'irrelevant'? We want to know who did this to our sister." Allison snapped. "I mean even if you knew, there's nothing you could do." Five retorted, not turning away from Y/n. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead as he brushed the hair from her blood and sweat covered face. He didn't care how dirty she was, she was still so beautiful.

He turned away before the guilt could begin to eat away at him and looked at Luther and Allison. "Take care of her, will you?" He requested. Luther was shocked that Five had bestowed any sort of responsibility involving Y/n onto him. Five had always been very protective of her, especially around Luther. "What do you mean? Where are you going?" Allison called to Five as he made his way out of the room. "I need to do this." He replied shortly. His footsteps echoed down the hall and they exchanged worried glances, hating being left in the dark like that.

Luther sighed and stepped forward looking at the poor broken girl before him. He hadn't felt like this for a long time.

"Can I see her?" Luther asked peering over their mother's shoulder. "Of course, dear." She replied stepping aside to reveal Y/n, bandage wrapped around her chest and head. She smiled at him putting out her arms for an embrace. He quickly let himself fall into her arms, all his negative emotions washing away.

"Hey Luther." She said with a giggle. He pulled away smiling up at her. "I'm so glad you're alright. I was so worried I didn't know what I would've done if you hadn't woke up, I-" Y/n gently quieted his distressed rambles. "Hey I'm fine, that's all that matters." She smiled. They stayed in a warm embrace for a few seconds completely unaware of their close proximity. However it didn't last long as Luther noticed this and his face grew a warm pink.

He pulled away, nervously chuckling. "Heh-sorry." He studdered and Y/n laughed. "It's ok Luther, hug me whenever you want." She said with a cheerful grin. He felt his heart flutter at this offer and he really wanted to make use of it at that moment. He cleared his throat before scratching the back of his head. "Look, I-I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for not protecting you better. You wouldn't have been shot it wasn't for me."

Y/n frowned, "Luther I got shot because I was careless, not because of you. And don't you dare for a second think it was your fault." She scolded with a glare. Luther nodded, taking her warning to heart. "Besides I'm stronger than I look. I might just be the baddest 12 year old out there." She giggled flexing a bicep for emphasis. Luther chuckled, thinking she was cute before sitting down on the bed at her feet.

It didn't take long for news of Y/n's condition to get around the house and not long after that for the rest of the umbrella academy to come to their sister's bedside, overwhelming her with questions. "Alright, alright that's enough guys. She needs her rest." Luther commanded with a protective tone. Luther seemed to be the only one who  noticed Five's glare as he ushered them out of the room. He had always felt a sort of competition between him and his brother, more so than he did with Diego at the time and he was unsure of the reason. But now he realized. It was the way Five looked at her that gave it away.

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