▪︎part ten▪︎

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Y/n brought the car to an abrupt stop and Five slammed his hand into the dash to keep from going through the window. "Alright, note to self: Don't let Y/n drive." Five joked and Y/n hit his arm as they climbed out of the car. Y/n looked up at the familiar sign of Griddy's Doughnuts. A neon sign of a hand dunking a doughnut flashed above it and Y/n could've sworn it was more luxurious when she last came with her siblings.

Without a word, Five began to walk. He was on a mission and she knew he wouldn't rest until he had coffee. She followed him, mumbling a thank you to the man who held the door for them. Five walked further into the restaurant, taking one of the many seats at the large bar. The room was dimly lit and very quiet and Y/n found herself unnerved at the lack of joy in the room, which was a main detail she remembered vividly from their trips so long ago.

She took the seat beside him, pushing away the feeling. "So what's next?" She asked Five and he turned to her. "I have to find the owner of the eye." He replied not giving much detail. "What eye?" Y/n asked mildly confused by the statement. Five then pulled a prosthetic eye from his coat pocket holding it out for Y/n to see. She took it from his hands turning it over to examine the barcode. "I've dealt with prosthetics before at work. You won't find out the owner easily. Hospitals don't give out information because of patient confidentiality. They only make rare, strict exceptions for like STD's and major diseases. And the company that made it definitely won't tell you, it's a breach in contract." Y/n explained and Five nodded having known this. However he did want to know how she had learned this and if she had a way around it.

"You say you dealt with them at work. What is your job?" He asked taking the eye from her hand and putting it back in his coat. "Well I was a general surgeon but now that I look like a girl on the cover of a preteen magazine I doubt they'll take me seriously." She groaned leaning on the counter. Five wasn't surprised by her occupation. He had always suspected she would go into some type of field where she could help people, medical being a first and generic choice for most people with that goal. He wouldn't have minded going into practice as well. Who knows maybe if and when they stopped the apocalypse he could since he did have his whole second life ahead of him.

Remembering what he had come for he rang the bell on the counter multiple times, growing annoyed with the lack of service. A man had come in and sat to the left of Five making Y/n look up from her wallowing. A waitress finally stepped into the room apologizing for the wait and giving a basic excuse. She pulled her pen and pad from her apron and turned to the man. "So what'll it be?" She asked him, not even glancing at the two kids. "Uh get me a chocolate éclair." The man answered with a polite smile. "Mhm sure. Can I get the kids some glasses of milk or something?" The waitress asked and Y/n could feel the anger radiating off of Five as the woman paid them no mind.

"The kid wants coffee. Black." He snapped. "Do you sell alcohol here?" Y/n asked and the woman's eyes widened. "I doubt you have an alcohol distribution license." She mumbled remembering that it was a doughnut shop. "She'll take the same." Five cut in but the woman still watched the two with a worried gaze. "Cute kids." She said to the man, who was sadly dragged into their mess. She continued to stare at them as though they might suddenly reveal that it was a joke all along. But she was surely mistaken and Five put on a big fake smile making the uneasiness in her stomach worse.

She chuckled dryly, smiling at the man before turning away from them. Five sighed looking back that the shop, "I don't remember this place being such a shithole." Five commented and Y/n was unsure who he had been directing it at. "We used to come here as kids. Used to sneak out with our brothers and sisters and eat doughnuts till we puked." Five said to the man and Y/n smiled remembering the fun times. "I can't believe you remember that. It feels like a life time ago." Y/n mumbled and the man looked at the two of them, far beyond confusion.

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