▪︎part fifty nine▪︎

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Important announcement at the bottom




"Hey, lover." She smiled, staring back at him with a profound love that could only be found within her gaze.

Five remained frozen, jaw slack as tears instantly filled his eyes, each one threatening to fall in a heartbeat. A part of him wanted to deny it. He was terrified he had drank too much and that when he woke up in the morning she would be gone again.

Could he handle that? Losing her once more?

As his silence drew on, her smile began to fade, wondering if her return was wrong. Had he not wanted her back? The guilt that swelled in her chest as immense as she stared at his broken expression. She hadn't been gone for long and yet she knew from his bloodshot stare that the time she'd been dead was not kind.

Letting her eyes drift to Delores, she found the doll spawled upon the floor where Five had dropped her. Her blank gaze drilled into Y/n as the painful silence continued on leaving her uneasy.

Five stared at her- trying to find any clue that would determine whether or not she was real. Any sign that he should gratefully accept this twist of fate. A sign that this was a miracle and not just a dream.

And he found one. The shine of life in her eyes that always made his heart pound. Those eyes he adored- the very ones he thought he would never see again, so full of love and joy. She was home again. He was home.

Suddenly, Five's feet moved forward, kicking the doll aside as he pulled Y/n to his chest, shaking violently as he did so. With that simple action, all of her worry washed away and she relaxed in his arms, taking in the faint smell of alcohol as his shoulders quaked.

"Oh my god, Y/n." He sobbed, his tears falling fast down his cheeks. He couldn't control himself as he rocked, holding her as tightly as possible. His reason for living was back. He had been so lost without her.

"Hey, hey, baby. It's ok." Y/n soothed softly, pulling back to hold his face in her hands.

Smiling softly, she brushed the tears from his cheeks, offering a tender gaze. He stared at her, his sobs growing in intensity the longer he looked at her. She looked just as she had. He felt spared. As if all the pain he'd endured was just to ensure this moment. She was back. He didn't have to live another life without her. They could really be together this time.

"I thought I lost you." He cried, messily running his hands into her hair as he held her closer. She opened her mouth to reply- to tease him for the cliche line but Five cut her off, hastily pushing his lips to hers.

Y/n was taken aback but welcomed the affection with a smile, moving her hands to his wet cheeks.

The alcohol on his lips was strong yet, she found herself unbothered, simply relishing in his presence. He had never really had healthy coping techniques but then again no one in their dysfunctional family did.

Soon he pulled away, his tears continuing to fall as he stared in awe at her. She was really back. It wasn't just a drunken dream. He pecked her lips once more before burying his face into her neck, the indistinct, metallic smell of blood leaving a sick feeling in his gut.

However, it quickly faded away with the overwhelming sense of relief her touch gave him. They stayed like that for several moments, Five too terrified to let her go- not that Y/n minded. She felt safe in his arms- all the warmth and love she had wished for when she first came back- being granted to her and she didn't want it to end.

"I missed you so much. I didn't know what to do." He cried softly as she ran her hand over his hair, kissing his temple.

"I'm back now, okay? You don't have to worry about losing me again." She assured.

Surely, there was no longer anything that could keep them apart. They had beat time, space and death. And should anything more than that try to separate them, she was sure it would only be temporary.

Before long Five's shaking had slowly ceased and he relaxed enough to pull back, wiping his eyes. "How-how..?" He stammered, unsure what to ask. He was glad, well, way more than glad she was back, but he didn't understand how.

She was lifeless in his arms but now he could feel the warmth of her skin- the beating of her heart. It wasn't possible.

"It's complicated." Y/n began, her eyes trailing to the floor as she recalled the past hour of her afterlife. She barely understood what the girl had told her, let alone explain it to someone else.

"We have time." Five insisted, tightening his grip on her waist.

Y/n smiled, squeezing his hand. "Not as much time as you think."


Hey, everyone. You drew me out of retirement for this shit so you better enjoy.

Yes, the spicy kiss is removed and no, it's not coming back. I took this chapter down originally because you guys were being nasty in the comments and I simply couldn't keep getting notifications for those.

I thought removing this chapter would fix the issue but it only led to harassment of a very dear friend of mine. Sky has been maintaining this account while I improve my writing on another platform but recently it's come to my attention that some of y'all have been sending them literal death threats.


The only reason I'm reposting this chapter and chapter 60 is so the harassment stops.

Please, please, if you feel at all remorseful for the harassment, go apologize to Sky. They don't have to deal with this.

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