▪︎part sixteen▪︎

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The taxi driver stared nervously at the girl behind him. It was his first day and he had been warned that the life of a cab driver was very strange but he had always thought they were joking. However when the young girl, who didn't appear to be any older than 13, appeared in the backseat of his cab out of thin air he was starting to take their caution very seriously.

She fumed, arms crossed in rage and from the look in her eyes he could feel her wrath. He drove cautiously, to where he was unsure since she had yet to give him an address and he was too scared to ask. The poor terrified man pulled up to the stop light and paused the car sending a scared glance at the girl as if him obeying traffic laws might upset her. However she didn't react just glancing up from the floor of the car.

He now saw the tears in her eyes. The ones she fought to keep at bay. His heart stopped a moment as the girl directed her gaze to him. He froze having been caught staring and mentally screamed for help. She turned away and the man noticed that the light had changed again. He continued to drive aimlessly and the suspense was eating away at him. He didnt know how much longer he could take it.

"Um...er where to, young lady?" He asked, gripping the wheel tighter. She looked up at him through the rearview mirror with a spiteful stare. "Call me 'young lady' again and I'll put your head through that windshield." She snarled. The man stared into her cold eyes and he could feel sweat began to drip down his forehead from her intensity.

"23rd street." The girl finally answered after a few agonizing moments. The man was shocked but complied, changing the direction of the car. He drove quickly, wanting to get her out of his car as soon as possible. 23rd was a nice neighborhood with many nice families. For some reason he didn't picture her coming from one of these families. There was something off about her. He pulled up to a free spot on the street and mustered up the courage to turn to the girl.

"Look. I don't know who hurt you or why. But I'm gonna take a guess and say it's a boy. I just wanted to say you seem like a fully capable young la-woman. I mean I'm a grown man and you scare the shit out of me. So give him hell." The man said putting on a kind smile for the girl. Y/n was very shocked by this statement and wondered why the man had so easily dismissed her rude behavior. Perhaps there were still good people in the world. She nodded slowly looking down. "Look-er-um-sir, I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, I know I have no excuse. You should never take out your frustration on people especially strangers. Um-how much was it for the ride I'll add some-" She began to explain reaching for her wallet in her coat. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. I hope whatever that boy did he pays for it." He said kindly and Y/n smiled back before saying goodbye to the man.

She watched astonished as he pulled away. Shaking her head, she walked across the street towards the home she had spent half of her life in. She nervously made her way up the steps, anxiety starting to settle into her gut. After taking a deep breath she reached up and knocked on the door, remembering that the doorbell had been out. She had promised to fix it but in light of recent events, it had slipped to the back of her mind.

"Ma, there's someone at the door!" She heard her brother call down the hall to their mother. "That's probably your sister. Get the door will you?" She answered. The footsteps of her brother trekked down the hall towards the door and for a split second she felt like running. She felt like ducking into the bushes beside the steps and hiding before her brother could see her dramatic change in appearance.

However she stood her ground, not letting her fear take the best of her. As the door swung open she stood frozen with her eyes closed, not sure if she was ready to face whatever problem presented itself. What she did not expect was the large thud that met what she thought would be a gasp. She opened her eyes to see her brother laying upon the floor unconscious. "What was that!?" Their mother cried frantically as her hurried footsteps made their way to the hall. She made it about halfway before the scene before her made her freeze as well.

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