▪︎part fifty seven▪︎

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Five winced as he poured the margarita mix into the blender. His wound was sore and probably needed to be repatched but he didn't care. He didn't mind the pain. It distracted him from the pain in his chest. He sighed, turning on the blender and watching as the green mixture, blended with the ice. He turned it off and poured Delores and himself a glass before sitting down. He turned to her with a groan, "Well, do you think we really did it? Think we actually stopped the apocalypse?" He asked her. She remained silent but he imagined she'd say something along the lines of, "I guess so."

Jazz played on the radio next to them and Five debated whether or not to turn it off. He never really cared for music and when he did was classical. The kind he would dance with Y/n to. "Now what? I don't know." He mumbled turning his gaze to the empty seat beside him. He felt so numb without her there. Not even Delores, who had kept him company for 45 years could fill the void Y/n left. Then again Delores never really did, despite what Y/n thought. He chuckled remembering her red cheeks and narrowed eyes when she first laid eyes on Delores.

"I'm open to suggestion." Five said trying to shift his attention. However a distraction presented itself and he quickly turned around at the knock on the door. "Eh, I'll get it." He sighed, climbing down from the chair, taking his colorful drink with him. The shape behind the glass was large and Five could already tell who it was making another sigh slip past his lips. He seemed to sigh a lot these days.

"Hey, old-timer." Hazel said pointing a gun at Five. Five stared, more annoyed than scared as he waved his drink slightly. "Do you have my sister? And if not, would you like a margarita?" He offered. When Hazel didn't answer he turned, leaving the door open as he stepped out the doorway and down the hall. "Come on." He said. Hazel stared confused before hesitantly making his way into the house. "You're here to kill me?" Five asked as he made his way back to his seat.

"Oh. Shit. Sorry. Old habits." Hazel explained, putting the gun into his waistband. "Well, I can understand why you might feel that way, you know-" Hazel paused feeling kinda guilty for what him and Cha Cha did. Now that he was out of the job and finally found his own home of sports he realized how much it would hurt for someone to come in and wreck it. "Well, you attacked our house, tried to kill my family, and kidnapped my brother." Five explained. Hazel sighed, "Well, there's not much I can do about the past. I'm not the only killer in this room. You got your own bloody history, pal." Hazel tried to justify. Five watched him wondering what had caused his sudden change in behavior. This was certainly outside of protocol. "Speaking of which, that job you did in Calhoun, that shit's legendary. Can't believe I'm actually sittin' here talkin' to you, after all-" Hazel began to gush making Five scoff, wanting more so to get to the point. "Hazel, why are you here?" He asked, sipping his drink. "Well, I'm, you know-" Hazel began to explain before Diego suddenly stepped into the room, kicking Hazel to the floor.

Five watched shocked and irritated by his brother. "Diego stop!" He yelled as Diego rather flamboyantly flipped over Hazel. Diego ignored Five, kicking Hazel in the jaw. "Get up!" He shouted, kicking him again. Five groaned, "You know, before you kill him, you might wanna hear what he has to say." Five suggested but Diego yet again ignored him switching to use his fists to pound Hazel's face instead. Hazel managed to regain his position, finally able to fight Diego head on and Diego pulled out his knife, preparing to use it against Hazel. "I'm gonna kill you for what you did to Patch." He hissed before yelling out and going after Hazel. "Or don't. See how that goes." Five sighed. He truly didn't know how Y/n was able to manage everyone. She had everyone around her finger and somehow the house was orderly with her around, or as orderly as possible with their chaotic upbringing.

He watched as Diego fought Hazel, swinging his blade viciously at the unarmed man. "Are you gonna-!" Hazel cried, looking desperately to Five for help. He had come to talk and offer assistance, not die. Diego advanced, grabbing hold of Hazel's arm and stabbing into his thigh. "Come on!" Hazel screamed as Five winced. "That's gotta hurt." Five commented as Hazel punched Diego making him stumble back as he pulled the small blade from his leg. He threw it down angrily but Diego wasn't finished, quickly recovering and coming back to strike. He landed every hit and, being the dramatic person he was, performed a back flip, kicking Hazel in the jaw and making him tumble back.

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