▪︎part six▪︎

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Everyone stared amazed at the now young girl that was unconscious in Luther's arms. He felt sort of weird holding her like that, the way he did sometimes on missions. She looked the same. So small, so innocent. Luther was reminded of the small crush he had on her when they were younger, before he realized his feelings for Allison, and his face grew a little red. He used to think she was cute and loved the way she would take on his powers. However he soon realized Five was the one she liked and he found that Allison was the only one for him. He shook away the thought as they made their way out of the courtyard.

Five watched as Luther carried her inside followed by the rest of his siblings. Not only had he been violently thrown into his teenage body who was probably going to, if not already, through puberty. He had to have gotten the calculations wrong. But why had Y/n been changed as well? That one left him stumped.

Once realizing he was alone in the courtyard he quickly made his way to the kitchen where he met four of his siblings. "Where's Y/n?" He questioned immediately. "Whoa calm down lover boy, Luther took her to her room." Allison explained but that didn't make Five calm down any. He glared as Luther stepped into the room taking a seat at the table. "How is she?" Five asked his brother. Luther stared for a few moments before being drug out of his daze. "Huh? Oh uh she's alright, she should wake up soon. Mom promised to check on her." Luther replied still staring at Five.

The boy decided that waiting around doing nothing till she woke up was pointless. He decided to make himself a sandwich since he hadn't eaten in a while and time traveling was really tiring. While he was at it he would get the information he needed. Everyone watched as he layed down a cutting board. "What's the date? The exact date." He asked walking over to grab some bread. "The 24th." Vanya answered. "Of what?" Five sighed. "March." She continued. He looked up from the bread thinking for a moment. "Good." He said looking back down as he layed out the bread slices.

"So are we going to talk about what just happened?" Five ignored them and the siblings exchanged concerned looks. Five was back and now both him and Y/n were children again. They had some questions. "It's been 17 years." Luther snapped standing up from the table, towering over Five. Growing frustrated Five sneered up at him, "It's been a lot longer than that." He told Luther before spatial jumping from in front of him to the cabinet behind him. "Haven't missed that." Luther sighed. "Where'd you go?" Diego cut in. "The future. And it's shit, by the way." Five replied jumping back to the table.

"Called it!" Klaus said pointing his finger into the air. "I should've listened to the old man. You know jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." Five said to no one in particular as he grabbed the peanut butter out of the fridge. He brought it back to the table before pausing and looking up at his brother who sat at the center of the table. "Nice dress." Five commented going back to his task. "Oh well uh, danke!" Klaus said messing with the edge of the skirt.

"Wait how did you get back?" Vanya asked ignoring Klaus's proud grin. "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five explained spreading the peanut butter on the bread. "That makes no sense." Diego mumbled. "Well it would if you were smarter." Five said not even looking up at his brother. Diego launched off of the table and Luther quickly put his arm out to stop him from attacking Five. Five carried on with his task, putting the marshmallows on the bread.

"How long were you there?" Luther asked. "45 years, give or take." Five replied nonchalantly. Diego and Luther both sat back in their original seats, shock overwhelming them. "So you're saying...that you're 58?" Luther asked unsure. "No my conscious is 58. Apparently my body is 13 again." He explained putting the other slice on top before walking away from the table. "How is that even possible?" Allison asked.

"Dolores kept saying the equations were off." He said facing the wall and taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Bet she's laughing now." He mumbled walking back to the table. "Dolores?" Vanya asked but recieved no answer. "Guess I missed the funeral then." Five commented, lifting the newspaper with their father's photo. "How'd you know about that?" Luther asked narrowing his eyes. "What part of the future do you not understand?" Five snapped sarcastically. "Heart failure huh?" Five continued.

"Yeah." "No." Diego and Luther snapped at each other making everyone else quiet down. "Nice to see nothing's changed." Five said beginning to walk away. He had to check on Y/n, be there when she woke up. "That's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison asked annoyed. She was genuinely freaked out by the fact that her sister was back to the little girl she had grown up with and she wanted answers. "What is there left to say?" Five asked not stopping. "Well uh I don't know. The fact that our sister is 13 again too? And she didn't exactly come back from the future like you did, genius!" Diego called making Five pause. "I admit her change has me confused as well. But as soon as I understand it I'll let you know." He said vaguely answering their question before leaving the room.

"Well that was interesting." Luther said turning to the rest, who all seemed confused, frustrated or annoyed. "What about Y/n?" Klaus asked suddenly realizing the seriousness of the situation. He had always felt like Y/n was his little sister even though they were the same age but now she really was little and he didn't know what to do. He supposed it was his turn to take care of her. "I don't know." Diego sighed crossing his arms. He was also concerned for his sister. And still hurt from what she had said in the living room. How had she believed he hated her? She was his favorite out of his siblings. "We just make her as comfortable as we can, I guess."

Five made his way to his bedroom wanting to get out of the suit that no longer fit him. He walked to his wardrobe opening it to be met with a dozen identical suits. He sifted through them as if by some miracle one would be different however when he was met with no such luck he sighed letting his hand drop. "Ah shit." He groaned grabbing one of the suits.

He quickly changed and stepped out into the hall, adjusting his tie as he thought of ways to stop the end of the world that haunted his every breath. However another thought always pushed through this dark cloud. Or should he say someone. He looked down the hall towards Y/n's door, debating his next actions.

He felt his heart begin to race and the familiar feeling he had everytime he thought of her washed over him. He sighed before walking down to her room where he gently pushed open the door to peek into the room. There she was. Like sleeping beauty, his stunning princess lay there upon her bed. A bed he had always disliked complaining that it was too soft for his liking. Though it didn't matter because once she layed her head on his chest he was lost in her presence.

He stared at her from the doorway for a few moments, watching the way her chest peacefully rose and fell and the way her hair spread out across her pillow. He stepped into the room, closing the door gently behind him. He walked towards her bed before kneeling beside it gazing at his love. She hadn't changed a bit. She hadn't looked like she had changed a day and she really hadn't since she was back to being 13 like he was.

He let himself forget about the apocalypse, even if only for a moment. He let himself think about her and every memory he had held dear to him during the long 45 years he spent without her. Reaching up he gently brushed the hair from her forehead. He sighed deeply before standing. "I'm sorry. I know I hurt you that day. But you shouldn't have come along. I've missed you so much." He said voice breaking a little. She always made him so weak. The others probably thought he was heartless after their interaction earlier but he was in fact the opposite when with her. He would do anything for her. But he couldn't let her get hurt again. That's why he had to stop this apocalypse. Before it destroyed the world. Before it destroyed his world.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before leaving the her room. Their father had to have some type of information that could help him.

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