▪︎part fifty six▪︎

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"It's not exactly what I was expecting." Klaus mumbled, leaning over to inspect the dead man that lay upon the broken table. Knives of all varieties were impaled into his chest and many objects were scattered around the room, hinting at something unnatural happening within the room. "The understatement of the year." Five mumbled, agitated. He was glad the man was dead, meaning that the world was safe and that the love of his life had been avenged, however he was frustrated he had not done it himself. He would've made him die slow, using the many skills he had picked up from his years with the commission and make sure that Harold felt every bit of pain he had felt when he lost Y/n.

"No sign of Vanya." Klaus continued, lifting up from his crouched position and turning around. "Let's get out of here, before the cops come." Diego advised, having just escaped prison under murder charges. Klaus and Diego began to leave the room but something felt unfinished to Five, something he had to do. "In a minute." He insisted, walking towards the body and crouching down. He winced at the sharp pain in his side, his stitches shifting painfully from the sudden action and another pain shot through his heart as he was yet again reminded of Y/n. He paused staring at the man. Because of this man he would never see her again. He honestly didn't know how to live without hope of seeing her. Without hope of one day having a life with her.

"Come on, Five, what are you-" Diego groaned making Five snap out of his daze and pull out the eye he had kept for years. He ripped off the eye patch over Harold's eye and reached to replace the empty cavity with the glass eye. "Ugh, wow." Klaus exclaimed, sarcastically before retching in disgust as the man now stared at them with two dead eyes. "Same eye color, same pupil size. Guys this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it-" He paused staring at the dead man, a painful thought crossing his mind. "It's found it's rightful home." He finished wondering if maybe this was meant to happen all along. This was the reason Y/n wasn't among the siblings when he found the eye. Harold had killed her before the apocalypse.

"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse." Diego mumbled watching as Five pulled the eye out. "Yay! Let's go." Klaus said, grossed out enough with the eye situation and wanting to go home. However before he could even take a step, Diego grabbed the back of his shirt, keeping him in his place. "No, no. Wait, wait. It can't be this easy." Five said, getting up from the floor and walking over to the brothers. "Look, this is the note that I got from the Commission. The one that says, 'Protect Harold Jenkins,' aka Leonard Peabody." Five explained, showing the paper to them. "Yeah." Klaus sighed. He couldn't focus straight with all the loss around him. Why did he come again?

"But who killed him? Who did this?" Five questioned, gesturing to the horrific death before them. "I have a crazy idea. Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya and ask her what happened?" Klaus asked sarcastically. Despite Klaus's tone, Five realized it would be the only way for him to find answers so he decided to make his way back to the only place Vanya would go. He jumped back to the car, making his brothers sigh, both men no longer phased by their brother's sudden disappearances. "If Vanya got away from this asshole, she might be headed back to the Academy." Diego said. They both stared at the dead man, so many of their own questions being unanswered.


A dull ringing resonated in her ears as the sharp pounding in her head faded. She felt as though she had been hit by a truck and at this point she wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. A few moments passed before she could even regain a small bit of her senses. First she heard the soft sound of water trickling and breeze blowing through the grass. She hadn't been expecting such a peaceful sound to be the first thing she heard, however the eeriness of it had yet to click within her head. She slowly blinked her eyes open, a pale blue filling her vision as she stared up at the sky. There was an unnatural sense of tranquility but despite the obvious wrongness of the situation, she let herself relax.

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