▪︎part twenty four▪︎

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Y/n guided Five along the streets towards her mother's home, the silence of the straining situation still hovering in the air. Five stopped at the light and he let his hands slack on the wheel a bit as he turned to look at her. She stared out the window, her chin resting lightly on her palm. He watched through the reflection as she stared aimlessly out the window, letting her eyes wander from one point of interest to another. She chewed on her lip softly, a habit she apparently still had from their childhood and he smiled, feeling slightly comforted by the familiarity of it.

She sighed letting her face rest in a small pout as her mind travelled back to Klaus. "Y/n." He called making her turn to him with a questioning look. "What's wrong?" He asked. "You already know. I just can't get over Klaus. I've been trying to help him for years but nothing I do works." She said shamefully. "That's not your fault." He replied leaning over to her in a comforting manner. She didn't reply instead letting her eyes downcast to the floor of the car. "The light is green." She mumbled and Five looked up confirming her statement. He quickly pulled out before the people behind him grew annoyed and continued going straight like Y/n had instructed him to.

"Am I going the right way?" He asked trying anything to get a word out of her. She nodded, "Do you want me to drive? We could do that whole switcheroo thing again." She suggested and Five chuckled shaking his head. "It's alright, love. Besides I should memorize where your mother's house is. I have a feeling we'll be coming back here often." He smiled making Y/n's cheeks flush a light pink. "Alright, at this corner make a left then just go down the street a bit till you see the light yellow house." She said with a small hint of a smile behind her lips.

She loved when he made comments of their future and he knew that. His grin didn't falter the whole drive there as he glanced at her through the corner of his eye. She seemed much more at ease now, her eyes half lidded letting her dark eyelashes flutter a little. The corners of her lips curved slightly upwards and Five held his heart race suddenly as his emotions for her boomed. She was always so beautiful to everyone around her and her personality was just as enjoyable, making everyone want to talk to her. He often found himself wondering how he had gotten such a girl.

This woman, who could easily get any man in this doomed world, wanted to be with him. He was the opposite of her, very cold and harsh. But sometimes he felt like she changed him, for the better.

He delicately reached over and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles affectionately. This simple action made her whole mood lighten up and he watched in awe as she shone a beatific smile. He loved her.

"Hey we're here." She said a little excited as she squeezed Five's hand. Five shook his head at her before turning off the car and looking to her. "Are you ready?" She asked. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He replied, uncertain. "Well this is the equivalent of you meeting my parents and that always seems to be something that makes boyfriends nervous." She said. "Oh so I'm your boyfriend?" He teased. Her face burned red as she stammered for a comeback. "Well uh-I thought..."

He chuckled, "Y/n I'm poking fun at you." She nodded, "Yeah just we never really came up with an official term. I mean boyfriend doesn't sound like enough. Hell I waited 17 years for you and you waited even longer we might as well be married." She giggled. "Well I wouldn't be opposed to the idea." He shrugged. "Why isn't there a term to describe us?" She groaned. "Well I don't think anyone has ever been in a situation like ours." He explained and she nodded knowing he was right. "Alright we'll go with boyfriend unless you suddenly pull out a ring then we can go with husband." She countered with a laugh. "Unfortunately I do not have one, but as soon as I do I'll let you know." He winks making her push his hand away. "You're a dork, come on I'll change real quick then we can save the world." She described opening the door.

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