▪︎part eight▪︎

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The family walked out into the courtyard, umbrellas hovering all of them except Diego and Luther. She found it a little iconic yet unnerving.  But the feeling soon washed away once seeing Klaus had a clear umbrella with a pink rim and Y/n didn't even bother to ask him about it. They gathered around the spot where they would be putting their father's ashes. "Did something happen?" Their mother asked, oblivious. "Dad died, remember?" Allison answered, furrowing her eyebrows. "Yes, of course." The woman replied, a sorrowful expression replacing her warm one. "Is Mom ok?" Y/n asked. Diego turned to her before looking back at their mother. "Yeah, yeah she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know, recharge." Diego explained.

They looked towards their brother who hesitated, holding onto their father's urn. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy." Pogo said comfortingly and Luther nodded before opening the urn and outstretching his arm. He slowly poured out the ashes of their father and it landed in a pitiful, pathetic pile on the wet ground. Klaus winced while everyone stared shocked at the dull event they just witnessed. "Probably would've been better with some wind." Luther said looking from the urn back up at his siblings. "It's the thought that counts?" Y/n said with a shrug receiving a horrified look from Allison and a snort from Klaus. "What?" Y/n retorted defensively.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo cut in. When no one replied he sighed before continuing. "Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy." Pogo said with a saddened expression. Y/n wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe that all the things he said were true. And that her father wasn't just a-

"He was a monster." Diego snapped. Klaus dryly laughed holding his cigarette to his lips once more. "He was a bad person and an even worse father." Diego continued. "The world is better off without him." Diego claimed. "Diego." Allison hissed, gripping her umbrella tighter. "My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it." Diego ranted. "Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom asked sweetly from beside Diego. "No, it's okay Mom." Vanya replied calmly, trying not to escalate the situation. But Y/n knew that something was about to go down either way. "Oh okay." Mom smiled.

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego said stepping forward to look at everyone. "Diego stop." Y/n pleaded hoping to avoid the fight she knew was going to take place between her brothers. "No. How could you listen to them say this about Dad? After all that he did to you? He tortured you Y/n. And nobody did a fucking thing. How could you just sit here and let them avoid the truth?" Diego snapped stepping towards her. She bit her lip hard, staring him dead in the eyes and standing her ground. She fought back tears as memories of the torment her father put her through resurfaced.

"You should stop talking now." Luther growled seeing his sister so close to tears. "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One." Diego said adding extra hatred to Luther's number. "I am warning you." Luther threatened. Five looked down at Y/n who stood a little closer to Allison. Allison put a hand on her shoulder whispering something to her. Five wished he could help. Wished he had known what had left her so scarred after all these years. Five turned to Klaus hoping to find some kind of answer but immediately turned back deciding against it.

"After everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away!" Diego pushed and everyone watched the growing tension. "Diego stop talking." Luther snarled through clenched teeth, desperately fighting back the urge to crush his brother. "That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego yelled. That was the last straw. Luther swung at Diego and by reflex, Diego leaned back narrowly dodging his brother's hit. Everyone stepped back, not too concerned with the impulsive actions of the men. They exchanged punches but everyone knew that they were just getting started.

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