▪︎part three▪︎

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She made her way downstairs, finding Vanya sitting on the couch, unsure of what to do with herself. Y/n decided to sit beside her and Vanya felt relieved that she didn't have to sit alone with her thoughts. "What happened back there?" She asked referring to Y/n's sudden exit. "Was it Five? I'm sorry for bringing that up. I wasn't really thinking I guess." Vanya apologized and Y/n shook her head. "No its me. I feel so guilty for what happened. It's my fault he couldn't come back. And my fault that I couldn't bring him back." Y/n explained looking down sadly. "No don't do that to yourself. Five made his choice and you couldn't help that. And what Dad did to you was-" She quickly stopped as Digeo entered the room, followed by Klaus who gave her a downcast look.

Diego sat on a chair to the right of them while Klaus went behind them, no doubt going to make a drink. Y/n remained quiet before the silence became too unbearable. "Long time no see, Diego." She said looking up at him. He glanced up from the floor, his knife which he had been spinning absentmindedly froze in his hand. "Yeah." He said not really wanting to engage in conversation. "How have you been?" She asked not giving up. "Fine Y/n." He answered, his mind clearly elsewhere.

"Look I know you hate me for whatever reason but can you at least try and act like you don't?" She spat turning away. Diego's eyes widened at the woman along with everyone else's as the room grew tense again. "I don't hate you." Diego said quietly. But before Y/n could reply Luther and Allison walked into the room. The room grew silent, all siblings together again but unsure of what to say. Luther sat across from Y/n and Allison went to the bar asking for a glass. The room remained silent as she sat next to Diego, sipping her drink quietly. Luther messed with his hands anxiously while Diego went back to staring at the floor.

Y/n felt like she was going to melt under the hot silence that burned throughout the room and she begged for someone to speak. Luther stood making her look up from the floor to watch him, "Um well, I guess we should get this started." Luther said nervously shifting under all of their gazes. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot." He continued and Y/n respected him a little for how collected and actually focused on the funeral he was during this dramatic event. "Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison asked confused. "Yeah y'know under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you used to do that?" Luther asked, unaware that the rest of them didn't because he was their father's big Number one.

"Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." Klaus interjected, walking into the space with drinks in his hands. "What no. Put that out, you know dad didn't allow smoking." Luther said but Klaus frankly ignored him, unconcerned with their dead father's rules. "Is that my skirt?" Allison said making Y/n's attention turn towards Klaus's attire. He was indeed wearing a skirt and she fought back a giggle as he looked down at himself. "What? Oh yeah this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the uh-bits." He said waving his hand around.

"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" Luther cut in gaining everyone's attention again. "Like what?" Diego demanded. "Like the way he died." Luther replied sending a glare his way. "What?" I asked as Klaus sat on me. I violently pushed him off and he giggled resting between my legs on the floor, his back pushed up against the couch. "I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack." Vanya asked leaning foward. "Yeah, according to the coroner." Luther said. "Well wouldn't they know?" Y/n asked. "Theoretically." Luther replied. "Theoretically?" Allison questioned not understanding what Luther was implying. "Look I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened." Luther said looking at Allison. "The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange." Luther began but was cut off by Klaus gurgling his alcohol. "Oh, quelle surprise!" He cried, liquor spilling out of his mouth. "Strange how?" Allison continued, ignoring Klaus.

"He sounded on edge. Told me to be careful of who to trust." He explained. "Sounds like same old Dad to me." Y/n said crossing her arms. 'Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles." Digeo tried to reason as he stepped towards Luther. "No. He must've known something was going to happen." Luther told them trying desperately to get them to listen. "Something like what?" Y/n asked. "I don't know." Luther said turning to Klaus. "Look I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to Dad." Luther said making Klaus lean his head back into Y/n's lap. He scoffed before looking back up at Luther.

"Look I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, "Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?" Klaus said waving his cigarette around. "Since when? That's your thing." Luther snapped. "I'm not in the right frame of mind!" He cried. "He's high." Y/n explained annoyed. Klaus looked up at her with a grin, "Yeah." He laughed gesturing to their siblings. "I mean how are you not, listening to this nonsense." He said leaning back into Y/n. "Well sober up. This is important." Luther snapped. "Why can't Y/n do it, seeing as she can literally conjure up all of our powers!" Klaus retorted. "You know that as soon as I touch you to use your power, I'd be as high as you than we would both be useless." Y/n explained slapping him on the head. "Ow!" He cried.

"Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." Luther continued. "Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle." Diego muttered. "Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge." Luther said in his best detective voice. "Where are you going with this?" Y/n asked pushing away Klaus's hand that offered her the cigarette. "Isn't it obvious, Y/n? He thinks ons of us killed Dad." Diego said threatenly leaning towards Luther. The room grew silent as they waited for Luther to explain himself. To prove it wasn't true. However he didn't seem to have an excuse and just looked at his siblings as though one would just confess.

"You do!" Klaus said astonished by the distrust his brother had in them. "How could you think that?" Vanya asked. "Dad was an asshole but why would we ever stoop to his level and kill him?" Y/n asked, disgusted with Luther for thinking such a thing. "Great job, Luther. Way to lead." Diego sneered at Luther. "Wait that's not what I'm saying." Luther tried to justify but it was too late. He had missed his chance. "You're crazy man. Crazy." Klaus ranted getting up and walking away. Diego stormed out of the living room, fuming. "Wait I'm not finished!" Luther cried. "Alright well I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back." Klaus said walking out of the room. I followed him as Luther tried to get everyone to come back.

How could he believe such a thing?

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