▪︎part sixty six▪︎

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The siblings had wandered back to the crumbled remains of their home, trying to recollect their thoughts and come up with a plan. All of them felt lost and broken after losing not only their home but also their mother and Pogo. Some were still in denial of their sister's actions but the harsh reality was slowly catching up. Y/n stayed with Five across the street, his tense look sending her mind racing as the worst scenario happened. "Five? What's wrong?" She questioned. "The apocalypse." He muttered before turning to their shattered home. "Guys!" Five yelled quickly making his way to the group with Y/n on his tail. She knew exactly what was wrong.

Leonard Peabody wasn't the cause of the apocalypse. Neither was Harold Jenkins. It was Vanya.

"Guys!" He called again, stumbling over the bricks and stones of their home. They turned to him, all equally dazed with the downfall of everything they had known. "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." Five explained adding the horrible news to the already horrible situation. It was like dropping a bomb on a city that had already hit by a tornado. It didn't seem possible. And none of them seemed to process his words.

"I thought you said it was over." Luther accused. "I was wrong, ok?" Five replied, gripping the news paper tighter in his hand. "This newspaper, I found in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed." Five explained. "But that doesn't mean anything." Diego argued shaking his head. This couldn't really be happening right? "The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning." Diego continued. "You're not listening to me." Five snapped, growing more annoyed. He had finally let himself forget about the apocalypse, forget about saving the world, forget about being an umbrella kid or a hitman. That morning he had finally let himself be and do what he should've- all these years. And now the world was going to end anyways.

"When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The moon's still shining, the earth is still in one piece, but not the academy." Five described. Klaus reached forward, snatching the paper from Five's hand and looking over it. "I'm confused." Klaus mumbled walking away. "Then listen to me, you idiot!" Five barked. "Hey!" Y/n reprimanded. They were all frustrated, confused and lost, but that didn't mean they could turn on each other. They needed each other now more than ever.

Five sighed trying to calm himself. "Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse." Five concluded, finally unraveling the mystery that had haunted him in his years of solitude. He had finally answered the question he had been asking for decades.

What destroyed their world?

"We have to find her." Luther informed. A helicopter could be heard overhead along with the familiar sounds of sirens filling the air. Based on the volume at which the sound could be heard, Y/n guessed they had only a couple minutes at most to leave before being held up by the police, who obviously wouldn't believe, 'Oh, our sister who we thought didn't have powers but actually does, destroyed the house using sound. Wait, it gets better, she's also going to end the world. But don't worry, officer, we'll find her.'

Y/n looked to the group as a overpowering light flashed over them, making them look up. "We gotta go, now!" Diego yelled, climbing to his feet. "Regroup at Super Star. Go!" Luther instructed as the group began to separate. Y/n ran after Klaus, Five following the two through the rubble. "Scatter, scatter!" Klaus mocked as Five grabbed hold of Y/n and Klaus's shoulders. "Hold on." He told them before spatial jumping them down the street, out of sight of the helicopters and police force. From there they continued on foot, Klaus slightly woozy from the unfamiliar feeling of jumping through space.

A 10 minute walk was cut down to a five minute sprint as the two dragged Klaus up to the Super Star Lanes Bowling Alley. The place was fairly deserted, only appearing to have a kid's birthday party occupying the space this late in the evening. The group walked in searching for their siblings but were abruptly stopped by a man she guessed was the manager. "Hey, you gotta buy a lane to be here." He ordered.

Y/n felt a deep rage burn within her as she stared at the man but she calmly pressed her hand to Five's chest, keeping him from attacking the man. "Listen, we're here to meet someone." She informed him. None of their siblings seemed to be there yet, probably having taken longer routes to avoid the police, but she really didn't have the time to bowl. "Well, kid, if you're not here to bowl, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The man sneered.

It took every bit of will power Y/n had not to choke the life from the man. She had just lost her home, her mother, Pogo and her sister and now she was losing her patience. She went to reach for her wallet but remembered she probably didn't have it anymore seeing as the clothes she had been wearing were burned off and the rest of her clothes went down with the house. Her eyes flashed to the ATM sitting against the wall to her right and without a word, she stomped over to it, pounding her pin into the machine before withdrawing a random amount of money.

A handful of twenties flowed out into her hands and she turned on her heel, marching over to the man. She slammed the money into his chest catching him off guard and making him drop the couple hundred dollars worth of cash. She didn't blink as she stormed over to the counter, snatching one of the smaller pairs of shoes already sitting there. She then walked away leaving all three speechless as she parked a seat at one of the open lanes.

Five was the first to speak, leaning in close to the man's face. "You're lucky she's here, I would've killed you without a second thought." He threatened before also walking over to the counter and grabbing a pair of shoes. Klaus glanced between the manager and his brother before shrugging and following his actions, walking up to the counter. Another employee had come out to see what the commotion was and was met with the sight of her boss crouched down, muttering profanities as he picked up the cash from the ground.

The unusual part of this sight was the interesting character who stood before her, glancing over the shoes that had been disinfected from the group of teens who had been there before them. "Do you have any 10½?" He questioned nonchalant, unphased by his sister's actions.

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