▪︎part sixty three▪︎

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The house rattled horribly, alarming everyone as they stepped out into the hall. "Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego asked marching down the hall toward his siblings. He was still furious at Luther for what he had done and planned to break his sisters out as soon as possible, but the danger of a collapsing house put his plans on the back burner. "Are those explosions coming from-?" Klaus began, turning towards Luther. "Vanya." He answered Klaus's unspoken question.

"We need to get to safety outside the academy." Pogo commanded, taking authority. The house shook again as the loud crashes filled the air once more. Klaus stared at the two, "What about Y/n?" He asked. He had feared the worst. What if she had been at the center of the disaster? What if she got caught in the rumble? What if Vanya hurt her?

"We need to get out of here." Luther repeated sternly. Klaus paused turning to Diego for help. He knew that Diego wouldn't just abandon their sister. "Go get Five and Mom. I'll find Y/n." Diego promised. Klaus nodded before quickly following him down the hall. "Meet outside, ok?" He told Klaus before splitting off. Diego ran down the corridor, toward where the hidden elevator was, terrified to find out what had happened to his sister. Was he too late? He slid around the corner before clambering to a stop at the destruction before him. The elevator was demolished and the wall around it crumbled, leaving no hope of getting down there. "Fuck."

Klaus sprinted down the hall, Ben following him as he stared at the quivering walls. "We have to hurry, the house isn't stable!" Ben yelled. "You think I don't know that!?" Klaus shouted back. The house trembled, knocking him off balance and making him slam into the wall, but he quickly pushed himself off of it as Five's room came into sight. "Five!" Klaus called. He slammed the door open, only to find an empty bed and not his brother. "Shit."


Vanya walked out into the hall, fists clenched as she stared blankly at the place that had brought her so much pain. Y/n followed, her heart breaking as her childhood home shattered around her. Yet she was unable to object, forced to follow without a word. Y/n watched as Vanya stepped toward Klaus's room, opening the door and peering inside. Suddenly she was flushed with one of Vanya's memories.

Ben was there, standing in his mission uniform with Klaus behind him. It only lasted for a second but to hear and see Ben again, without the side effects of being high, put her on the verge of tears. Not that she appeared that way. She felt like a prisoner in her own body and she beat against the walls of her mind, hoping to escape her subconscious.

Vanya moved on, turning away from the door and continuing down the hall. But before Y/n could follow, the room exploded in front of her, destroying the one place Klaus always returned to. The place that represented him. She cried out for it to stop but it was too late. It was gone. Y/n's hair whipped at her neck as the blast burned past her but the heat didn't phase her, instead feeling the burn of her powers around her. The dark fog had completely covered her skin like armor before slowly retreating down to her arms. She didn't know it could do that.

Vanya proceeded to Diego's room, witnessing another memory. This one was of Diego. She remembered the day by the way he had sat upon his bed with that upset look. She had walked in to the same image just moments after Vanya had left. Their father had snapped at Mom for defending Diego and he had felt really guilty about it making him lash out. Eventually Y/n had gotten him to calm down and open up to her. Y/n didn't know that Vanya had tried to do the same.

Vanya turned away once more and like Klaus's room, Diego's exploded, sending debris flying around them. Y/n stood frozen as wood and plaster flew into her but none of it affected her. It was like her powers protected her. It crawled across her skin to make sure she was unharmed but slowly sunk back into her like it was a living creature. Y/n cried trying to get some reaction, any reaction out of her body. She left like she was possessed, unable to control her own actions but still see and feel everything.

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