▪︎part twenty two▪︎

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"Who do you think you are?!" Luther yelled, stomping towards Five with a murderous glare. "I don't know what you're talking about." Five retorted, pushing Y/n behind him, setting up a small barrier which set Luther off even more. "Number One, sit down!" Reginald called annoyed. "Why are you even doing this?" Luther questioned in a lower tone, one only the three of them could hear.

"Why? Why?! Because you weren't! While you were following Daddy's orders, she was left alone! I couldn't stand that! And now you have the audacity to come and demand her back?! She isn't an object, she can do what she wants!" Five fought. Y/n felt her heart flutter a little at his words. She looked up at his expression, so serious and protective. The way his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched as he fought to restrain himself. It was handsome in a way through the graveness of the circumstances and Y/n couldn't help the thumping of her heart as she stared at him.

"Of course she's not! And I haven't left her, I've always been there for her! Right Y/n?" Luther said turning towards the girl. The rest of the family watched curiously as the interaction took place but Reginald was growing tired of it. Y/n stared at her feet. She really didn't want to answer. She had to admit Luther wasn't around as much as he used to be. His time had been more focused on his father's wishes and his new found interest in Allison. But she cared for both of them and couldn't be mad at either of them. "Guys please stop this." She said.

The look of dismay on Luther's face crushed her and she quickly looked away unable to bear his troubled gaze. "Y/n." He whimpered but it was no use. He had lost before the fight even began. His breaths grew ragged and heavy as rage turned into adrenaline which he planned to use against Five. Five stood his ground partially for pride but mostly because deep down he didn't want to lose Y/n. He wanted to win this fight so that everyone would know how much he cared for her.

Y/n's head pounded as she watched Five step away from her, falling into a circling pace with Luther. Luther stood tall and intimating before Five but Five remained calm and collected as his eyes surveyed his options. The poor girl watched in a daze as Luther struck first. Her eyes filled with tears as the two boys she cared so much for fought because of her. "Guys stop!" She screamed trying desperately to part the boys.

The family remained quiet, either too scared to step in or overall enjoying the show like Klaus was. Reginald however didn't speak a word, instead choosing to see where this would go. He knew the fight was only the desperate attempt for them to impress the poor girl, basic animal instincts, like two lions battling over dominance. Five was dodging every single attack Luther was throwing at him and Luther was becoming more and more aggravated, trying everything he could to land a solid hit on Five.

"Stop!" Y/n pleaded but the two boys didn't listen. Five landed in front of Luther, who had began to wear himself out, and advanced on Luther swinging his fist to Luther's jaw. Luther was surprised by the hit and stumbled back. "Give it up will you? You're only embarrassing yourself." Five taunted. "Stop this! Why do you have to fight?!" Y/n begged. All the emotions she had felt her Five moments ago began to melt away as she heard him taught Luther. She knew he was cold and forceful but in some fantasy of hers, she thought maybe she had changed him. But it became clear that she didn't and she was unsure if anything could. Maybe he would always be unfriendly and detached.

"I'm doing it for her!" Luther roared thrusting himself forwards into the empty air that was once Five. Luther yelled turning to Five's new location. "She clearly doesn't want your help. She's happy with me. You need to let her go!" Five yelled before glancing at Y/n. But on her face was the one expression he never wanted to see.

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