▪︎part thirty one▪︎

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"Ow." Y/n mumbled annoyed as Five tenderly stitched through her abdomen. Five looked up at her with a raised eyebrow before sighing and continuing on. "It hurts more when you do it slowly." She commented making him drop his hands and look at her. "Well we probably wouldn't be in this situation if you let yourself heal when you first received this injury." Five retorted. Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to admit he was right. But Five knew he was and went back to stitching before she could complain again.

"Why did you do that? I would've been fine." Five grumbled, using the tissue paper from the bathroom they were in to dab the blood away. Y/n frowned, shifting her position on the counter, "I did it because I wanted to protect you, Five. I know you think you can take care of yourself and I believe you can but I didn't want to take any chances. You are the most important person in my life, I won't lose you again." She explained. He looked up at her a little surprised by the bluntness of her statement but her eyes were full of sincerity.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. But I really can't lose you again. You saved me all those years ago, I can't let anything happen to you." She continued before looking down at the painful memory. Five bit his lip setting down the needle before cupping her face in his hands. "I meant everything I said that day. You're my world Y/n and I knew if I sent you away your safety would be guaranteed. I loved you so much I couldn't bare to imagine you struggling as I did. Please know why I did it and that you don't have to protect me in order to repay that, it was my choice alone." He told her. She nodded looking up at him, "But I will protect you. With my life, I care about you so much." She smiled pressing a kiss to his palm. He smiled shaking his head, "You can't act cute to get yourself out of this one, love. I'm still mad at you." He said pulling away to finish the stitch.

"Oh come on, baby. You can't stay mad at me forever." She pouted leaning forwards to emphasize her upset feelings. Five chuckled stabbing into her abdomen with the needle making her lean away with a real pout. "I won't, but I will until you learn your lesson." He explained, finishing the stitch and washing the needle off in the sink they had filled with water, which was red from Y/n. "Well then you better learn how to stay mad at me forever, cause there will never be a time when I won't give my life for you." She said leaning close to his face again. "Not if I give mine first." He argued leaning closer with a competitive stare. Y/n broke out into a fit of giggles followed by Five's laughter. They both knew they would die for each other but the competition between the action seemed funny to them. But if the situation did arise, who would die?

They tried not to think about it.

A knocking on the door of the gas station bathroom they were in made both of their laughter die immediately as they both rushed to clean the blood from the counter. "Almost done!" Y/n called, cautiously climbing down from the counter with Five's help. They stuffed the first aid kit back into Y/n's bag and she silently thanked her past self for packing extra shirts. As soon as the crappy bathroom was clean, well as clean as it was when they arrived, they both stepped out, making the woman who had knocked shake her head at them. Y/n glared as Five wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her along before she started a fight with the poor woman.

But nothing could save the woman once she opened her mouth. "I hope they used protection." The woman uttered disgusted before beginning to walk into the bathroom. "What did you say?!" Y/n yelled making the woman jump in fear. "Y/n let's go, love." Five tried to soothe. "No. I want to know what gives her the right to say those things without even having a scrap of information about the situation." She snarled turning to the woman as Five physically restrained her. The woman seemed shocked by the outburst from the apparent teen, not expecting someone so young to actually defend themselves. Little did she know.

"She's not worth it, come on." Five said a little bit stern but he knew that even if he yelled at her she wouldn't budge. "I want an apology." She demanded, looking to the woman expectantly. "No, you kids need to learn to control your hormones." The woman spat. Five stared between the woman and Y/n before slowly removing his hands from Y/n, knowing that she wasn't worth saving either. "Control our hormones? Woman, I am 30 years old and he's even older, I think we understand how everything works and can control things just fine. You need to learn to control your mouth and your shitty attitude." Y/n barked, taking multiple threatening steps towards the woman.

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