▪︎part thirty three▪︎

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Y/n leaned to the side letting Five gently slip down onto Diego's bed, Five remaining fast asleep. She sighed, crouching down beside the bed and brushing aside some of the hair from his face. Diego awkwardly set down the doll that he had been given by Luther as he sulked in jealousy for Y/n's attention. The men came to stand behind Y/n as they all watched Five's peaceful face. "Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." Diego commented making Y/n roll her eyes. She knew it was true though. Five was the cutest thing when he let his guard down.

"Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually. Back to his normal, unpleasant self." Luther mumbled walking away. Y/n sighed, standing up and turning to the boys. She knew exactly what this was about. Yet again Luther and Five's rivalry was coming out of the deepest part of their past and she hoped history wouldn't repeat itself. "Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies." Diego explained walking to the staircase on the other side of the room. "All that stuff he was saying before-" Luther mumbled. A soft thumbing was heard above and both Y/n and Diego parked up to locate the source of the sound. "What do you think he meant by that?" Luther continued, oblivious. Diego reached out his hand to silence him and Luther let his eyes wander up as the sound morphed into footsteps, which grew gradually closer.

Y/n decided to investigate by walking to the stairs, tapping Diego and stealing one of his blades one the way. She clutched the knife in her hand followed by Diego who mirrored her actions. They climbed up the stairs, Diego stepping in front of her to open the door while Luther watched, unsure of what to do other than stare. Diego waved at Luther leaving him even more clueless before quickly opening the door and lifting the blade. "You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges." A man yelled making Diego roll his eyes and open the door further. "What do you want, Al?" Diego asked as Y/n let her arm drop making her way back down the stairs. Luther gazed at her as she moved, her focus trained at the floor as her eyes darkened slightly.

She walked back over to Five, trying to keep her eyes hidden but Luther could see. Deep within her irises, a dark shadow lingered swirling like it was alive. It scared Luther and he wanted to ask her about it but as she passed him she looked up at him, eyes clear of any dark shades. His eyes remained fixated on her and Y/n was confused but continued on, kneeling down beside Five and pressing a soft kiss to his head.

"I ain't your secretary." The man said stepping into the room. "Yeah." Diego sighed wanting the man to get to the point. "Some lady called for you, said she needs your help." The man explained and Y/n turned to him curiously. "What lady?" Diego asked, unamused as he walked back down the stairs. "I dunno. Some, uh, detective. I think she said her name was, uh, Blotch or somethin'." The man continued, leaning on the railing. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows exchanging a confused look with Diego before he turned to the man. "Patch?" He asked and the man shrugged lazily. "She needs my help." Diego said with a hint of a smile before beginning back up the stairs.

"She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun." The man said handing Diego a note. "When?" Diego asked. "About half an hour ago. Uh, said she found your brother." The man said before finally walking away. Luther and Diego turned to Five confused, "Well, that doesn't make sense." Diego commented holding the paper in his hand. "She means Klaus, dumbass." Y/n sighed, tapping Five's hand and spatial jumping to the top of the staircase beside Diego. However she didn't think of the side effects until she fell into the wall, her balance becoming compromised. "Whoa." Diego said grabbing hold of her arms. "Y/n, he's black out drunk right now, are you sure his powers are the best option for you?" Luther warned.

"He's fine. I'm fine." She giggled, standing up and making her way to the door one slow step at a time. "Look, we really think-" Diego began but Y/n just smiled, pressing her finger to his lips sloppily. "I'll be fine. Soon it'll just be the effects of a hangover." She explained, grabbing him in a tight hug. "Go I'll wait here with-" Luther trailed off upon seeing Y/n disappear with Diego dragged along for the ride "...him."


Screams sounded from down the street as Diego and Y/n crashed into the dumpsters pushed up against the building. Diego cursed, climbing out of the trash while Y/n broke out into a fit of giggles. "Wow I haven't been drunk in ages. It must be messing with my powers." She laughed as Diego took hold of her arms, dragging her out of the waste. She smiled at him while he rolled his eyes, clearly not amused with the situation. "Come on, Diego lighten up." She mumbled as he turned around and gestured for her to climb onto his back. "Maybe you should take my power." Diego suggested as she draped her arms over him and rested her head on his shoulder blade. "I'll still have a nasty hangover though, he's been in my system too long." She explained before laughing softly. "He's been in my system too long~." She repeated with a giggle making him shake his in disappointment.

"Anything is better than this." He determined, putting out his hand for her to touch. She sighed, putting her hand down on his. "We better stop and get some coffee and Advil cause I'm not paying for Five's bullshit." She mumbled, leaning closer to Diego. "You're a good big brother y'know that?" She said, still a little disoriented. "I thought I was your little brother." He joked, remembering all the years she had claimed so. "Well, I kind of look like I'm on my way to a Kidz Bop filming, so I guess you're the big brother. And you've always taken care of me. You are my big brother even if I won't admit it." She said with a yawn. Diego felt touched by her words. They always looked out for each other even when the other wasn't aware. And to hear her admit that she noticed this, warmed his heart.

"Yeah well as your big brother we'll get you some coffee and Advil, ok?" He said and she nodded slowly drifting off on his back as he made his way back to his car.

Should she tell him?

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