▪︎part twenty five▪︎

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After a few minutes of driving, Five parked across the street from the company building they had just caused mayhem at yesterday. Y/n sighed pulling her feet up into the chair and leaning into the door. Five watched as the doctor they spoke to walked up to the building, checking over his shoulder a couple of times. "So what are we doing?" She asked. "We're waiting." Five replied keeping his focus out the window. "Alright." She mumbled as she grabbed a magazine off the floorboard of the van.

Y/n knew how important this all was. The apocalypse was coming and they needed to prevent it. But she felt as though she was in his way more of the time than actually helping. She sighed again, flipping the page which made Five turn to her, noticing her distress. "What's wrong?" He asked with a straight face. She didn't want to answer knowing it wasn't the time, and instead let her gaze drop to the bag. "You left your doll in the bag." She sighed turning the page again. "Oh shit." He mumbled pulling Dolores out of the bag. Y/n watched unamused as he set her up between them. "Hey. Sorry you were in there for so long, Delores." He apologized. "No, I'm not drunk." He said to the doll. "Could've fooled me." Y/n muttered under her breath turning the page. Five sent her a glare before turning back to the window. "I'm working." He continued.

He turned to the doll annoyed, "Yes it's about the eye thing. This is the place it was made. Or...will be made." He sighed turning back to the window. "We just have to wait." He informed dramatically. The van was silent for a few moments as Y/n watched concerned for the boy. "That was absolutely disturbing to watch." She commented making him shake his head at her.

"Look if you don't like her then why did you save her in the first place?" Five accused. "Cause I didn't know you talked to the damn thing." She retorted making Five roll his eyes. "Alright I'm sorry. Delores just freaks me out, you know how I feel about dolls." Y/n said putting the magazine in her lap. "Delores isn't a doll." Five defended. "My bad. The mannequin freaks me out." She corrected making Five grow even more frustrated. "Y/n." He warned. Y/n giggled knowing he could never stay mad at her more more than a few minutes. "I'm sorry." She laughed. He couldn't help but smile at her though he wanted to stay mad. "Stay focused." He fought back a chuckle.

"Ok ok, I'm watching." She gave in letting her laughter die down. Five chuckled softly as Y/n looked around. "Do you think there's binoculars in here? It would really give us the stalker vibe." She joked before climbing into the back of the van to dig around the stuff back there. "I doubt it, love." He said shaking his head. "Ah, I'll improvise." She shrugged lifting up a piece of metal and inspecting it.

Five looked back out the window watching the people walk up and down the street, grasping the eye in his hand tightly. Children's laughter ring out as a group of boys ran by playing ball. However their laughter slowly became distorted and ash began to fall down around him as Five's vision gave way for a new scene that was all too familiar to him. He slowly climbed out of the car letting his feet land on the dirt and ash he had spent most his life surrounded by. He walked out into the destruction, the fear of being trapped there again slowly seeping into him. "No." He cried. "Five." A familiar voice called. Five turned around as the voice called out again. "No!" He screamed before snapping out of his nightmarish vision. 

"Five." Luther snapped, opening the car door. Five watched as Luther struggled to climb into the passenger seat, mumbling a few profanities under his breath as Y/n peeked up to see what was happening. However her attention was immediately directed at Klaus that had somehow snuck into the vehicle, as he grabbed Delores. "You ok?" Luther panted having finally sat down. Y/n looked back to Luther, her fight or flight instincts kicking in as she tried to decide whether or not to hide from him or face him head on. "You should be-how did you find us?" Five asked confused.

Her choice was made for her however as he glanced to the back of the van making Five follow his gaze to Klaus. Klaus swayed gently with Delores, mumbling a quiet "hey baby" before noticing he had been caught. "Hey! A little privacy guys, were really hitting it off back here." Klaus said as Five grabbed whatever he could get his hands on. Klaus cried out hiding behind Delores as Five threw a medicine bottle at him, before both him and Y/n broke out into laughter. "Get out! You can't be here! I'm in the middle of something." Five yelled at Klaus. Klaus ignored him pushing past the junk to sit between Five and Luther, which happened to be where she was. Annoyed as he sat on her lap, Y/n yelled at him before pushing him off.

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