▪︎part thirty five▪︎

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Y/n's anger slowly began to subside, knowing there was no use being angry over what was happening. Five was who he was and would always do what seemed logical. She couldn't change that. She stepped out onto the sidewalk outside the building, pausing to look back for a second as a little bit of guilt from her words took hold of her heart. However she pushed the guilt aside, instead choosing to hail a cab to get back to the academy. She hoped maybe there was a chance that Klaus escaped and got back to the academy since Diego couldn't find him.

A yellow taxi pulled up to the curb and Y/n got in letting herself fall into the seat and close her eyes, stressed beyond all help. "Hey, don't I know you?" A familiar voice said making Y/n peek open her eyes and look up at the driver. She recognized the man to be the one that had drove her after her fight with Five. What a small world. "You're the girl that teleported into the backseat of my cab!" The man exclaimed, absolutely amazed with the coincidence. "Spatial jumped actually but close enough." She chuckled sitting up to properly look at the man. "The boys didn't believe me. They all thought I had a screw loose." He laughed turning back to the wheel. "So where are you heading?" He asked. "Uh, Reginald Hargreeves mansion." She answered as he slowly pulled away from the curb.

"Oh you mean that Umbrella Academy right? Well that explains a lot, you're one of those kids right?" He asked. She nodded, being used to getting mini interrogations like these when people recognized her on the street. Now her younger body disguised her, or so she had thought. "But you guys were popular when I was a kid, that would make you older than me. I'd love to believe you've got a cool skin care treatment but I highly doubt that." The man said making Y/n laugh. "Yeah that would be kinda cool. I'd love to tell you why I'm so young, but unfortunately I'm still trying to figure that one out myself." She explained making the man nod. "Hey it's still cool though. You get to go through life again with all this wisdom." He said cheerfully trying to put Y/n into a better mood.

His contagious joyfulness did the trick all on it's own and she felt herself smiling as she listened to the man tell her about how he would read their comics back in the day. "I remember seeing you in the comics, you're Number Eight right? Can't believe I didn't recognize you when you first showed up. Must've been the mask. You look so different without the mask. I always wondered what you looked like. You were my favorite you know." He fanboyed, his eyes shining with excitement. She found it refreshing in a way, flattering even. He gave her a small feeling of importance, something she needed after all that happened. A small bit of confidence after all the collective hopelessness of everyone.

"Oh yeah why's that?" She asked. "Well you always looked so cool and confident on TV, and the way you used all of your siblings powers, it was insane!" She laughed at his enthusiasm making him smile. "Man, I think every kid wanted to be you guys, must've been so cool." He said and she shrugged. "Well it had it's perks." She answered not wanting to ruin the illusion he had made for himself with the truth. "What were your powers exactly, like I know you could do all of your siblings powers but did you have more?" He asked. "My father described my power as a carrier, through touch I can possess any power or skill. Not just powers like my siblings, I can also take the ability to speak a language or play an instrument." She told him.

"That's so cool! Hey, hey, I took high school French, you think you can take that?" He said excitedly as he pulled up to the stop light. Y/n smiled, leaning over the front seat, putting her hand out for the man to touch. "Tag me." She said. The man nearly squealed right then and there as she used her famous catch phrase on him. He high fived her hand watching in anticipation as she grinned at him. "Voir? Tout type ou pouvoir ou compétence." She spoke fluently and the man's jaw dropped. The light turned green and Y/n pointed at it making the man snap out of his amazement and begin driving again.

"That's insane! Took me three years to get that good!" He cried making them both laugh. "I'm Y/n Hargreeves by the way or Number Eight." She said putting her hand out for the man. He shook it to the best of his ability while driving. "I'm Peter." The man said with a large smile. "Nice to meet you, Peter." She smiled warmly and Peter put his hand back on the wheel. "This ride is much better than the last one, I'm glad you're feeling better since last time you seemed upset." Peter said reminding Y/n of her previous fight with Five. "Yeah it was a misunderstanding. Thank you though, I really appreciated what you had said and it meant a lot." She said softly making Peter's grin slowly settle into a soft smile. "Of course. I hate dropping someone off when they're hurting like that. Especially with that sad look you gave. Who did that anyways? I'd love to give them a piece of my mind." He threatened giving her a stern stare through the rearview mirror.

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