▪︎part five▪︎

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A quiet music began to play through the house. A soft melody Y/n had heard before but couldn't quite place. It sounded like it was coming from Luther's room and she suddenly remembered some of the times they had spend dancing in his room or in the hall. She couldn't help herself as she nodded her head along to the music. She thumped her finger against the bland covers all of their rooms had and tapped her foot on the floorboards. She chuckled softly as she stood, swaying to the music. She thought of her siblings. They all had different dancing styles yet enjoyed the music all the same. She smiled moving her arms and shoulders to the beat.

 She smiled moving her arms and shoulders to the beat

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She thought of Luther. He couldn't really dance that well, only swaying or bouncing to the music. They had tried teaching him more when they were younger, however this often lead to something breaking because he got too into the beat so they let him stick with the basics.

Allison had always been graceful

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Allison had always been graceful. Y/n remembered dancing to all types of music with her, learning some new dance move everytime. Allison was a natural and her poise made her transition into fame quite easy.

Diego had been good at dancing as well but different than Allison

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Diego had been good at dancing as well but different than Allison. Allison made her own movements while Diego tended to stick with the classics that he had learned in magazines or rare glimpses at TV's during missions. The siblings found it quite entertaining to dance along with him like it was a game.

Vanya had been one with music for years

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Vanya had been one with music for years. They way she poured her soul into her music was admirable and though she had a thick shell and often hung to the sidelines, Vanya was a good dancer as well. Once Y/n had made her feel welcome enough to dance with her siblings they found that she wasn't so bad. She kept it very simple but felt every movement and it was amazing to watch.

 She kept it very simple but felt every movement and it was amazing to watch

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Klaus was very extra when he danced. He often climbed on furniture and held objects. He just moved his body without any sort of planning. But then again they all had their moments where they got a little crazy, hence the broken mirror that still hung in the hall.

Y/n moved her body along to the music spinning around, despite the emotion she felt for Five. She wanted to dance away. Dance till the pain faded. She almost wanted to laugh. She threw her head back letting herself get completely lost in the music. She spun around, arms outstretched and giggling to herself. With graceful steps to stood on the point of her toe before spinning again. She was a mixture of ballet and random moves and she didn't know what she would do if someone had seen her but she didn't let herself worry.

Suddenly blue lightning struck outside the window making her freeze and back away. It was like a storm had been placed outside instantly and without any warning. She ducked as a metal box hurtled towards her. It slammed into the wall and she stared horrified at it, wondering what the hell was happening. She backed away from the window watching as the blue light struck again. Quickly making her way out of Five's room, she met Luther in the hall. "What's going on?!" She cried as she ran after him. "I don't know but its coming from outside." He said as they ran down the stairs. Allison caught up with them and they made their way out into the courtyard.

"What the hell?!" Y/n yelled as she pushed past Luther. He stepped forwards as well and Allison grabbed his arm. "Don't get too close." She warned. "Yeah no shit." Diego yelled. "What is it?" Vanya yelled from behind Y/n. "Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two." Luther said making Y/n turn to him with an annoyed look. "Yeah, pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan." Diego replied as they all stared at the crackling blue hole before them. "Out of the way!" Klaus screamed pushing past the siblings with a fire extinguisher. "Klaus you idiot!" Y/n yelled as Klaus shot the extinguisher at the hole. When that didnt seem to do anything he tossed it into the hole making them all stare at him and wonder what the hell he was thinking.

"What's that gonna do?!" Allison cried. Klaus shrugged absolutely defeated, "I don't know, you got a better idea?!" He retorted. The hole began to crackle louder and Klaus launched back behind Diego and Luther. "Get behind me!" Luther instructed putting a protective arm around Allison and Klaus. "Yeah get behind us!" Diego said, his ego apparently never taking a break and he pushed Y/n directly behind him. "I vote for running! Come on!" Klaus yelled grabbing onto Y/n. They all stared amazed at the face that began to form through the blue light.

Without warning a scream erupted from behind Diego and some turned to see what was the matter but their focus was torn between the thud of the body that had fallen from the hole and the thud that followed it from their sister. Diego turned to his sister as did Vanya while Klaus stepped towards the other body. The body groaned as it stood, the storm quickly diminishing. "Does anyone else see little Number Five or is that just me?" Klaus questioned. All the siblings turned towards the boy standing before them. He looked down at himself before turning back to Klaus.

"Shit." He groaned frustrated. "Uh guys I think we got another problem." Diego called looking back at his sister. She laid unconscious on the ground, her head resting on Vanya's lap. The rest of the siblings gathered around to see their sister. Only she wasn't the one they had seen earlier that day. She had changed. She too was 13 again.

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