▪︎part sixty eight▪︎

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The two stayed at the party until whatever Luther and Allison were sorting out seemed finished before heading back. Y/n had bowled occasionally but Five refused, his eyes shifting between the group and their siblings, as his mind clearly wandered elsewhere. He was understandably anxious about the apocalypse, but his worry for Y/n's change in behavior was even more unnerving than the inevitable end of their world.

She seemed different. It was in the way she would confidently walk or her darkened gazes whenever something caught her attention. Or the way the black suit that pressed to her body like a second skin seemed to almost slither under the light, as if cowering away. What also worried him was the way that no one seemed to question the presence of her powers in that way. It had taken the place of her clothing in a very noticeable way yet no one thought to investigate. Was she doing this consciously or was it her powers talking over? And if it was her powers doing this then why hadn't Y/n questioned it? She was terrified of her powers when she first discovered them, he doubted she would just embrace them so full heartedly.

"Let's go. Hopefully Allison and Luther are done with whatever it is they were doing." Y/n shrugged. Five looked at her before nodding and following her back to their lane. She seemed nonchalant with everything but certain things set her off. He had picked up on that since they arrived at the alley. When she snapped at the manager or when she defended Klaus. Even when she was joking with Diego and Klaus, it seemed more intense than her usual teasing. He couldn't be the only one noticing this could he?

He paused watching as Y/n continued on either not noticing or not caring that Five had stopped. He hoped it was the former but he knew she always kept track of him in situations like that. "Love." He called. She didn't stop, letting herself continue to stride towards her seat from before. "Y/n." He called again. She stopped, turning to him with a quizzical smile. "Yes?" Five's stomach twisted as he stared at her smile. Even that was wrong. But he didn't have time to question it as the familiar whooshing sound followed by a thunk echoed in his ears. He turned to the ball return nearest them, walking towards it with a dazed expression. Y/n watched as he did, not questioning him. He lifted the flap above, shadowed by a blue glow before reaching in and grabbing the small cylinder. "How the hell did she find me?" He mumbled reading the label. His mind thought back to the candy he had taken from her. Annoyed, he reached into his pocket pulling out the candy and quickly unwrapping it. Just as he had suspected there was a flashing green tracker right there in his hand. "She's good." He said dropping it to the floor and crashing it. "Jesus." He sighed, popping open the cylinder. Inside was a fortune cookie, which he also cracked open, searching for the message inside.

'Time marches on- or does it?
Rain Quail, Rm 12'

He chuckled softly, more annoyed than amused. He turned to Y/n who stared at him with a confused yet bored expression. He didn't want to leave, really he didn't. But if meeting the Handler meant he could save the word without fighting his sister, he would do it. He just hoped Y/n didn't get worse while he was gone. As long as she didn't kill anyone he supposed she was ok.

"I have to go." He told her quickly as he walked up to her. "Where to?" She questioned more out of principle than actually caring. It hurt so much to look at this girl. It wasn't his Y/n but with the fate of the world at stake he didn't have time to firgure out what to do. He forced his worry aside. Maybe she was just acting like this because the apocalypse was so soon and the only solution they had was to stop Vanya. That would make her behave this way, right? He was just over reacting.

"I love you." He told her, kissing her head softly. She looked up at him, a kind glow shining behind her previous darkened gaze. "I love you too." She replied. His heart skipped at the sincerity in her voice and told himself, he had just been over thinking before.

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