▪︎part thirty six▪︎

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The dimly lit bathroom was quiet, the only sounds being the movement of the water as it washed over Klaus. She managed to get most of the dirt and blood off of him and clean a few of the minor cuts and scrapes she had found on him. She made sure to be gentle and calm as to keep him from getting worse. She didn't talk to him about it instead talking about small things to distract him.

"I met someone today," She started. Klaus sat quietly listening as her hands ran over the dirt on his back. "Who?" Klaus asked softly letting her know he was listening. It was the first time he had spoken since his return and a small amount of relief filled her but it was bittersweet as she could see he was still so very broken. "His name was Peter. He's a taxi driver I've rode with a couple of times. He was a fan of the academy." She explained. Klaus slowly loosened up letting himself relax under her touch. "Who wasn't?" Klaus scoffed making Y/n frown a little. "If only they knew the hellish childhood we had." Klaus mumbled rubbing his arms, a habit he had for years.

"I know, but I didn't want to ruin it for him, he seemed to idolize us, it would've been horrible to tell him." She explained running her fingers through his dark locks. Klaus didn't reply as he stared into the tainted water. It hurt badly to see him like this, so quiet and closed off. It reminded her of before he entered the world of drugs and alcohol. Back when he faced his fears sober. It was so long ago. And as much as she hated to say it, she hated seeing him so sober. It was scary.

She would help him through this.

"Ok Klaus, how about you get out and dry off I'll go make you something to eat." She suggested, setting the towel on the side of the tub and getting up from her kneeling position. He looked up at her, his eyes slightly red from crying and his usual dark make up smudged around his eyes. His face was so worn, emotional wounds apparent in it's details. He desperately reached for her hand making her stop and turn to him. "Y/n." He said softly and she stared at him, waiting for his next words. His lips parted but no words came out as he stared at her. Within her eyes he could see something he had never saw before.

A small darkness behind her gaze that flashed in a rhythmic pattern, it was almost unnoticeable. He blinked a few times making the illusion he believed he had created disappear. "What is it, Klaus?" She asked, tenderly putting her hand on his. "How did you-when Five disappeared...how did you-?" Klaus stammered. "How did I cope?" She asked and he nodded staring into her down casted e/c eyes. A delicate smile graced her face but her eyes matched the pain in Klaus's. "I didn't. For 17 years I hated myself hoping one day I may see him again. I lost Five too soon and I always wondered what my life would've been like if he was there. But he wasn't." She explained, sinking to the floor and resting her head atop her arms over the side of the tub. Klaus shifted his hand to gently grasp hers as she stared at him.

"Did it ever get better?" He asked painfully, as if his very fate hung on her words. Her smile dropped a little as she thought, "Sometimes. It was little moments. Like picking you up from the hospital the first time you overdosed? You remember, I brought you to my apartment and took care of you?" She said. He shamefully nodded, "You stayed up all night to make sure I didn't get worse. I remember feeling so guilty that you had to take care of me." He said. She brushed his hair aside, "Don't. Klaus, I will always take care of you, no matter what. I thought I had lost you, I was so happy that you were ok." She explained. Klaus looked down the familiar feeling of guilt weighting down on his heart.

"Klaus I don't know what happened to you, and you don't have to tell me. Just know whatever it was, you'll always have me. You'll always have your family. You all helped me in your own ways and I'm so grateful that." She explained. He lifted his head to look at her and she smiled at him before standing up. "Now go get dressed, I'll bring you something to eat." She said and he nodded watching as she left.

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