▪︎part fourty▪︎

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"Now, Number Eight, you'll be starting in the correction division as you know. But first we have to get you properly equipped." Handler explained looking down at Y/n's messy academy uniform. "And dressed." Y/n fought off the urge to roll her eyes as she continued to follow the woman. "It's Y/n and how exactly did I get this job again? I'm a little fuzzy on the details." Y/n inquired as they made their way down the hall. "Five insisted upon bringing you with him, but in order for you to stay you must work for the Comission and since you have no experience, you have to start on an entry level job, a job he said you had qualification for." Handler explained. Why would Five risk bringing her with him? If anything she could become leverage against him if things went south. So why would Five risk it? She sighed deeply, too many questions with so few answers filling her mind as they arrived at the Briefcase Room. "Alright first things first, we need to get you a briefcase. Now with it, you will be able to jump to the time that needs correcting. It is to never leave your side, unless left at headquarters. It's protocol." Handler said before walking into the room. Y/n stood awkwardly outside, looking around the large space that people hustled throughout.

She tried to keep an open mind. She really did. Five had a plan and that required her to follow along and not cause problems. But she felt so uncomfortable in this environment. Everything ran smoothly and without hitch as though the whole organization was orchestrated to be flawless. Like a giant clock, every piece working together in an orderly fashion. She didn't belong here. She turned and watched as Handler talked to one of the men inside the room before being given a case. She walked back out to Y/n, handing the case to the girl. "Here, your very first piece of equipment." Handler cheered as Y/n took hold of the briefcase. "Uh, thanks." Y/n forced as Handler turned away, heading to the stairs. "There are a few things that I need to ask you before we start. Hazel and Cha Cha worked as partners, as do most of our agents. However Five insisted on working alone. Which would you prefer?" She asked as she lead Y/n down the steps towards the lower level.

"I suppose that would depend on the partner. You wouldn't mind introducing me to a potential partner would you?" Y/n said making an effort to show interest in the job she was being given. "I like that attitude. Let's get you the uniform then I'll introduce you to him."


Y/n grimaced looking at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a navy blue suit, much like the one the female assassin wore when she tried to kill her family. The pant legs were a little long and Y/n sighed, hating everything in that moment. She was given a simple pair of boots and a handgun to go along with the ensemble and Y/n wondered if Five felt as defeated as she did when he was recruited. "How does it fit?" The annoying voice of Handler called through the door. "It's fine." She replied picking up her case and walking out of the room. "The pants seem a little long. I apologize just we don't really have such small employees." Handler laughed, taking hold of Y/n's tie and adjusting it. "It's alright, I'll be able to work fine." Y/n said as she pulled away from the overly physical woman. "That's good. Let's introduce you to your partner shall we?" Handler smiled. Y/n nodded following the woman down the hall. A sudden nervous feeling crept into her and she felt anxious to meet her new partner. She had no idea if it would be temporary or permanent or whether or not she could trust them. Too many unknowns and yet one familiar question struck her.

Will they like me?

It was a silly question to ask. She felt very much like a child, attending their first day of school. The anticipation and anxiety of meeting someone's expectations was something most people felt in normal situations. But this wasn't a normal situation. What was she supposed to do?

She was lead into another room, where multiple people sporting the same uniform she wore were gathered. Some were seated at plain looking desks, while others stood at lockers that lined the walls. The room was brightly lit and very organized, only there seemed to lack much of anything but the occasional item or papers on desks. She guessed that these agents didn't own many possessions aside from their weapon and case. "This is a common room for when you are between missions. Not many people come here since we try to always keep them busy but lucky for us, your partner isn't." Handler explained walking towards a particular desk to the right. Y/n followed letting her gaze land on a tall, well built man who leisurely layed back in his chair, while his feet were propped up on the desk before him. His arm draped over his eyes as his chest rose and fell in a slow, steady pace. His blue coat hung over the back of the chair and his tie was pulled loose making Handler roll her eyes. She sighed before pushing his feet off the desk, making him jerk up with a shout.

"Wha-I'm awake, I swear!" He cried looking up at Handler. But upon seeing who it was he seemed relieved. "Oh it's you." He chuckled, leaning back into the chair. "Yes, it's me, your boss." Handler said before rolling her eyes again. "Grayson, I want you to meet your new partner, Y/n." Handler said annoyed. It was entertaining to watch, the woman who annoyed the ever living shit out of her getting the same treatment. It made Y/n like the idea of having the man as her partner. Grayson looked up at Y/n a wave of confusion crashing into him as he looked back to Handler. "You guys really do like to recruit them young." He replied. "Actually I'm probably older than you. You're like in your mid twenties aren't you?" Y/n said narrowing her eyes at him. "Older than me huh? What's your story?" He questioned with a playful smile as he leaned forwards. "Well you two will have plenty of time to discuss on your next case. Right now I want you to show her around, let her get the taste of working here." Handler explained and Grayson nodded, standing up.

Grayson was a tall man, reaching 6'2 at least and Y/n was very small next to him even if she had been in her adult body. He had broad shoulders and through the thin fabric of the button up he wore, she could tell he had a muscular chest and arms. However his physique was not the only thing she noticed as her eyes gazed up at his face. He had a chiseled facial structure consisting of a sharp jawline, soft cheekbones and a sculpted nose. His hair was messy, soft curls resting partially over his forehead. It was a unique shade of brown, hints of red being found when the light hit in just right. But she found herself most fond of his eyes. They were a familiar shade of green, reminding her of Klaus. But what really linked them to her brother was the pain that was hidden so well behind the joy they tried to display at all times. She had see it too many times before and was able to recognize it from a mile away. Overall she had to admit he was an attractive man but she couldn't help but wonder what had hurt him so badly.

"It'll be my pleasure, partner." Gray joked bowing to her. "Well, I'm going to go see how Five's settling in. If you need anything, ask Grayson." Handler said as she began to leave the room. "See you, boss lady!" Grayson called after her knowing exactly how to irritate the woman. "Not my name!" Handler replied, making Y/n laugh softly. "She must really dislike you huh?" She asked. Grayson shrugged with a charming smile. "She doesn't like that I don't bend over backwards to please her." He explained, grabbing his coat off the back of the chair and swinging it on. "Well partner, let's properly introduce ourselves. I'm Grayson but you can call me Gray." He said putting his hand out to her. "Y/n Hargreeves. Nice to meet you, Gray." She smiled, putting her hand in his. "Nice to meet you too, Y/n." He smiled before adjusting his tie.

"Alright, let me get my gun then we can head out." He said walking over to one of the lockers to the side. "Head out where?" Y/n questioned, shifting her hold on the briefcase. "I don't know. I usually go to random times until they get annoyed and send me a case." He explained. Y/n laughed, "You're quite the bad seed in this organization aren't you?" She joked. "You could say that. I prefer the term 'fun-enthusiast'." He corrected, tucking his gun into his waist band behind his back. "So tell me a little bit about yourself. I can't fully call you my partner until I know everything about you." Gray said walking back over to her. Y/n paused unsure of whether or not to trust him. She felt like she could but to what extent? God why did Five had to make everything so complicated?

"Well, what do you want to know?" She asked trying to narrow down what information she could give him. "Hmm." He hummed putting his hand on his chin in a dramatic display of thinking. "Well, let's start with when you were born." He suggested, taking hold of the case from her. "October 1, 1989." She answered. It was common knowledge and she didn't see the harm in telling him. "Hey, I was born October 2. What are the odds?" He chuckled. She smiled at his cheerfulness, him reminding her very much of a puppy. "What year?" She asked. "Uh I don't know, we don't really keep up with it around here." He shrugged. She nodded softly, "That's fair."

How long had he been here? Did all of these agents just get lost in time? Would she? "Ok hold on." He said gesturing to the case. Hesitantly she reached for the case before looking up at Gray who smiled at her. "Don't worry, it's safe. Here next question. If you could visit any year, when would it be?" He asked. Y/n paused, staring at him in thought. "Any year?" She asked. "Any year." He repeated smiling softly.


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