▪︎part fifty eight▪︎

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The car finally reached the city and Peter made sure to pull into the gas station he frequently took his break at. The sun was just barely beginning to rise but it still gave him enough light to see what he needed to do. He peeked over at Y/n's resting form, a soft smile washing over his features as his heart swelled at the sight. He had already adopted her as a little sister in a way and he wondered if they would keep meeting this way.

He sighed, climbing out of the car and going to the trunk, where the first aid kit was kept. Her wounds were pretty severe and they had began to start bleeding again once she warmed up. Maybe she really had been dead. It certainly would have made more sense. The way she was looking more and more alive every minute in the car. The way her cheeks returned to a pink color and the scrapes on her limbs began to seep blood through her clothes. It wasn't cold enough to give her that type of reaction.

He shook his head, closing the trunk and walking over to Y/n's door, opening it carefully as to make sure she didn't fall over. He brushed the hair from her face, beginning to wipe the dried blood that slipped down her temple. The injury to her head that would've caused the trail of blood seemed non existent despite the various other cuts and bruises among her body. He thought back to what Y/n had said about 'the girl' only healing her head because that was how she died. It would've made sense in a fictional way. But he struggled to believe this, which made him feel silly. He had always been interested in science and technology but had grown up in a time where the magic-like abilities of these siblings were common knowledge. He was able to believe in these kids, why couldn't he believe in this?

Once he was done, he moved onto her more fresh cuts, the scrapes on her arms and hands. They bled faster now and he quickly worked to clean and patch them, a skill he felt confident in even though he had never learned or worked anything medical related. It was when he began to clean her knees that Y/n finally began to stir, beginning with a wince and the soft blinking of her eyes. She peered down at him, kneeling beside her seat, with a bloodied antiseptic wipe in his hand. "Peter?" She mumbled, still groggy from sleep. She felt as though she had just awoken from a coma, more so than when she actually came back from the dead.

"It's okay, we stopped at a gas station and I'm almost finished cleaning your wounds." He explained calmly, hoping to at least let her relax. She sighed, leaning back into the seat and watching him as he continued on with his work. A soft smile came to her face when she noticed the focused shine of his eyes and the unconscious poke of his tongue from between his lips as he carefully finished wrapping her knee. "There," He cheered, moving his hands away. "All done."

Y/n looked over her bandaged arms and legs before turning to smile at Peter. "Thank you, Peter. Without you, I don't know what would've happened." She said. Peter shrugged, smiling back at her. "That's what friends are for." He said. He paused realizing what he had said, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "You know if someone had told me I was going to be friends with Y/n Hargreeves, I would've laughed." He said astonished.

"Well, I'm nothing special." Y/n chuckled making Peter frown deeply. "What?" He said horrified as he grabbed hold of her legs gently. "Y/n, you're the most amazing person I've met. I can't find any other way to say this, but when I say you were-are my hero I meant it. Everything I did growing up, I thought of what you might do, or how you might've handled it. I am who I am today because of you and to be friends with someone like that, it's-it's life changing." He tried to explain. Y/n felt her heart leap at his words, as she fought to keep a grin from stretching across her face. She often times became too wrapped up in the trauma caused by her father that she never really thought of the intial goal of the academy. They stood for something, they stood for hope, for safety. She forgot about what they were. They were heroes to people like Peter.

"Thank you, Peter. I'm so glad I met you." She confessed. He sparked something within her that made her want to be who she was all those years ago. "This is so cool." He mumbled to himself before standing and walking back around to the driver's seat. He climbed in and started the car before giggling and shaking his head. "I'm friends with Y/n Hargreeves. 'Tag' is my friend." He mumbled beginning to drive off. Y/n laughed, loving how adorable the poor boy was when he was fanboying.

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