▪︎the end▪︎

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They ran down the nearly deserted streets, their tacky bowling alley shoes stomping against the pavement loudly as they approached the theater. "Come on, we have to hurry. And be careful, remember, Vanya is dangerous." Luther advised as they made their way into theater.

But something stopped Y/n, feeling the familiar tug against her as her powers warned her of something. She turned around, searching the street for the source of danger that could be triggering it like it had been before but nothing came into view. However the feeling lingered making her feel more angry than alarmed. Suddenly the sound of feet echoing towards her made her spin to face another kid running in her direction. A boy.

He was familiar, like a face she had seen regularly but had long since forgotten. "Grayson?" Y/n questioned as the boy got closer. "Y/n. Quick, we don't have much time." He said, setting down the briefcase in his hand. "Where did you go?" Y/n asked, not matching Gray's urgency. She was unnerved by what was happening. Of course she had seen him when she accidently turned him into the child he was now but she knew this face so much better than she should've.

The memory they had witnessed came back to her. It couldn't have been real. Could it?

"To find the truth. Y/n, everything I thought I knew about myself was wrong." Gray said quickly, his mind seeming to race just as fast as the words piled out of his mouth. "What truth?" Y/n's eyebrows furrowed. Gray ran his hand through his hair, "The-the commission changed my memories, took images in my head and twisted them into this story I believed was my life." He said, almost looking like he was going to rip his hair out.

"I'm not following." Y/n said, looking back at the theater. Her siblings needed her, she didn't have time for him. "My father, wasn't really my father. And I-I never killed him. He was an image of Sir Reginald Hargreeves but altered in my mind. My mother was one of the 43 women to give birth that October and my sister, wasn't really my sister. It was you. We were childhood friends but when your father erased your memories of your powers, he took me out too." Grayson explained. "Wait, how did you know about my powers?" She asked, turning back to him as he regained her attention.

"My mother told me. She also told me that you can't stop the apocalypse." He told her. This statement sent a surge of anger through her. "What the hell are you talking about?" Y/n snapped, staring at him as though he had just stabbed her puppy. "First you disappear, then you come here saying we can't stop the apocalypse? You're 2 seconds away from me beating the sh-" Grayson cut Y/n off grabbing her arms. "Look, you can feel it can't you? Your powers?" He said turning her hands palm up. Her hands burned at the mention of them and the darkness began to rise from her skin.

Gray didn't flinch. Didn't even blink. "You can." He declared. "Your powers have been warning you all day, they literally have made you a new skin to protect you." He gestured to her dark attire. Her face grew red practically fuming. "That doesn't mean anything!" She retorted, ripping her hands away. "Your powers are strong but also uncontrollable and infect everything around them, even you." Y/n's jaw slacked as she stepped away from him. "You're scaring me." She mumbled.

Gray's stressed expression softened as he took notice of her worry. "I'm sorry. I know this must all be overwhelming but I just-I don't want there to be anymore secrets. I need you to come with me. You're the only one who can stop the apocalypse." He told her, stepping closer. "That means I should be in there." She pointed towards the theater but Gray shook his head. "No, it's-it's too late for this time. We have to go back and try again." He advised, grabbing her hand yet again. Y/n shook her head but she was so confused and weakened by everything he had told her, she couldn't even fight as he pulled her towards his briefcase.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. This is the only way to save everything." Gray said. Y/n looked back at the theater, "No." She mumbled. "What?" Gray asked turning back to her. "No!" Y/n shouted, yanking her hand away and sprinting to the theater doors. "Y/n, no!" Gray yelled, trying to run after her. She threw open the doors before turning and locking the door making Gray slam into the glass. "You're making a mistake!" He insisted. Y/n turned away, rushing up the stairs where Klaus stood frustrated.

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