115. homework

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I got asked by one of the most popular boys in school Shawn Mendes. Yes Shawn Mendes the singer. He asked if I could help with his maths homework because he didn't understand it. I agreed to help because unlike the rest of the popular boys he's quite nice and knows how to treat a girl properly and not like they are some kind of toy.

It's the end if the school day and me and my best friend walk to my locker. We see Shawn standing leaning by my locker. My best friend leaves me and Shawn notices I'm coming.

"Hey." He says.


"So whose house are we going to?"

"I'm not bothered it's up to you."

"Ok we'll go to mine then yeah?"


We walk to his car and he drives us to his place. The whole drive to his we get to know eachother.

He's acatullay pretty interesting.

We get there and go up to his room. He asks if I want anything and I say decline politely.

"Wow your room is so cozy."

"Thanks I try to make it this way. Feels better with a cozy atmosphere."

"So what do you want to start on?"

"Can we start on trigonometry?"

"Sure so what don't you understand about it?"

After a long conversation later I finally taught him it but he seemed to get it pretty quickly.

"You know Shawn you seem to be picking this up quickly. Are you sure you needed help?"

"Ok you caught me. I didn't need help this was just an excuse to get closer and talk to you."

"Why though?"

"Because I like you Y/N."

"You do?"

"Yeah of course I do I mean look at you. You are gorgeous and you have an amazing personality and everything about you is amazing."

"You really think all of that?"


"Well you're pretty amazing too."


It goes kind of quiet and I look down. I feel a dip beside me on Shawn's bed. He's sat beside me.

I can feel him staring at me.

His hand moves towards my chin. He lifts my face up ever so gently so that I'm now facing him.

I see him slowly start leaning in so I close my eyes. As I feel his breath on my lips and they are about to connect someone walks in.

"Shawn." His mum says and me and Shawn quickly jump apart.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know we had a guest."

"Its fine mum."

"I'm Shawn's mum Karen it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Y/N Its nice to meet you also."

"Are you staying for dinner?"

"No I should probably get going my mum is expecting me home."

"Ok well it was lovely to meet you."

"You too Mrs Mendes."

"Please call me Karen." She says while walking out of the room.

"I'll take you home."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem."

The whole drive home I silent.

"Thank you Shawn I'll see you tomorrow."

"No problem see ya."

As I walk up my path I hear my name being called.

I turn around and Shawn pulls me by waist into his chest. He then connects our lips together. The kiss lasts a good 5 minutes. He pulls away.

"Want to go on a date with me this weekend?"

"I'd  love too."

"Cool I'll see you later."

"Yeah see you." I say walking into my door.

I went straight upstairs and fell asleep. This was one if the best days I've had in a while all because did Shawn I can't wait to see what happens next.


Hope you liked it thank you all for reading xx

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