32. meeting his friends

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Shawn was taking me to meet his friends today and honestly I was nervous. I mean what if they don't like me?

"Hey babe you Ok?"

"Yeah Shawn just a little nervous."

"Don't be I'll be there by your side when we meet the guys and won't leave you alone with them. They can be a handful but I know that they are going to love you."

"But how can you be so sure?"

"Beacsue I know the guys and trust me they will love you ok? So don't worry about it."

"Ok Shawn, I love you."

"I love you too hun."

We have a small passionate kiss. Shawn pulls away.

"Let's get going then."

A 20 minute car drive later.....

We get out the car and he grabs my hand.

"Everything will be ok hun I promise."

"Ok I believe you." He gives me a small kiss and then knocks on the door.

It doesn't take long for the door to open.

"Shawn my man." One of them yell.

"Hey Brian." Then they do some sort of bro hug.

He then looks at me.

"So Shawn this must be the girl that swept you off of your feet, the girl you talk about 24/7 and can't have a conversation without mentioning her name?"

"Oh really Shawn is this true?"

"Let's just go inside." He says and rushes indoors embarrassed.

"Don't worry about him he just embarrassed they I mentioned that because he knows it's true."

I laugh and walk inside.

I go up to Shawn and hug him from behind.

"You know you don't have to be embarrassed I so the same thing with my friends."


"Yes but not to the extent that you are in every conversation I have."


"Hey don't worry though this just tells me how much you love me which makes me love you even more."

He turns around and just give me a quick kiss. When we pull away I see that I have gotten him to smile.

He pills me towards the living room where everyone is.

"Y/N these are the guys, you have Matt, Brian, Mike, eddy, Geoff, Andrew, justin and Josiah."

"Hi it's nice to meet you all."

"It's nice to meet you too Y/N we have been dying to meet you ever since Shawn first mentioned you when you guys first met." Andrew says.

"Yeah straight away We could already tell he was in love you even from that first meeting." Josiah says.

"Yeah he wanted us to help him come up with a Really romantic idea to ask you out because he said he has never felt this way about a girl before and wanted to make it special and he never felt a connection with a girl before until he met you." Mike says.

"Guyyyssss...." Shawn says.

"No no carry on I wanna see where this goes." I say smirking at Shawn. That makes him bury his head in the crook of my neck because he is so embarrassed.

"He loves you Y/N he really does and honestly even though we didn't meet you before hand we knew we were going to like you because thinks the happiest we have ever seen Shawn so we want to thank you for that." Andrew says.

"Honestly guys there's no need to thank me and trust me he makes me dead happy too."

"Aww you guys are too cute."

"Hell yeah we are!" Shawn shouts making us all laugh.

We talk for like another hour or two and then it's time me and Shawn leave.

"Guys me and Y/N have to go now but thank you for having us round."

"No problem anytime you like."

We leave and drive home. Once we get inside we both decide to put out pyjamas on, cuddle and watch tv.

We both lay down on the sofa together my head on his chest. I can his his heart beat so slow and steady.



"Is everything the guys said true? You know about the whole love at first sight thing and that you felt a connection with me that you have never had with anyone else?"

"To be honest yes it is. I fell for you so quickly and you are so gorgeous. I love you with all my heart and that will never stop. You are stuck with me and I'm stuck with you. I'm going to be with you when we are grey and old. I am so in love with you. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"Well I fell for you really quickly too and god I love you so much Shawn."

"I love you too."

He leans down and gives me a quick kiss. Then we go back to watching the movie.



"Why don't i show you just how much I love you?"

"Ok I'm not going to object." We both laugh and then Shawn kisses me.

(I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.)

We laid together with the bed sheets wrapped around us. I loved Shawn and he loved me and we both bowed eachother that night just how much we loved eachother.


Hope you enjoyed this long overdue imagine. Thank you guys so much for reading nd I hope you are all ok. Thank you x

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