72. request

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A request for fianceeofshawnmendes

My name is Desiree. Mr and my husband Shawn are expecting twins. We only found out a couple of weeks ago and we are over the moon. Me and Shawn met at my dad's company because my dad is Shawn's boss at the studio.

I'll admit even though we are married, I'm still scared of losing him because he's Shawn Mendes and he could have anyone and why choose me?

I told my dad and I'm guessing my dad told him because right now I'm on the phone to him and he's telling me I'm not going to lose him.

"Desiree you will never ever lose me. You are the mother of my children and the love of my life. I chose to put that ring on your finger because I love you and not anyone else. I only want you and have only wanted you since I laid eyes on you. You are my baby girl and honestly I would quit everything just to be with you that is how much I love you. Princess never ever doubt how much I love you and you are never going to lose me my gorgeous girl."

"Thank you Shawn."

"Your welcome and I meant everything that I said. I have to get back to work but I love you."

"I love you too rockstar."

He chuckles slightly. "Bye love."


That whole speech made me feel better and at ease.

Shawn comes home not long later.

I'm sat on the sofa with a bag of chocolate.

He walks in and sees me sat there scoffing my face with chocolate.

He chuckles.

"What a sight to come home to eh?"

"Oh cut me some slack I'm eating for three here."

"I'm joking I like this sight. You with no make up in comfy clothes and stuffing yourself this is what I love to come home to, you being you."

"Aww Shawn I love you."

"I love you too baby girl."



"Me and the babies are craving something."

"You name it and I'll go get it."

"Can I have a big Mac from McDonald's I'm really craving one."

"Of course love ill be back soon."

Not long later he's back.

"Thank you shawnie."

"No problem I got to feed my lovely wife and my children."

"Aw you are to cute."

"I try baby girl I try."

I finished eating so I lie down on the sofa. Shawn kneels down near my stomach.

He lifts up my shirt and starts runbing it and then kisses it.

"I can't wait to see you in eight months. Whether your are two girls, two boys or one of each. I'm going to love you with all of my heart. I can't wait to see both of  you and see how pretty my little beans are going to be. I love you both so much. Also this is your daddy speaking."

That last bit makes me chuckle. Once he finished talking he kissed my belly again. He then puts my top down and moves over so he's by my face now.

I turn to face him. I place my hand on the side of his face and lean in an give him a quick kiss.

"You are going to be the best dad to these kids. I love you so much."

"And you." He says tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear out of my face. "You are going to be the best mum there is. I love you too."

After that heart felt moment we go to bed. We cuddle up into eachothers bodies and savour the moment we are having. I couldn't be more happy. I am about to have two amazing children with the most amazing man. Life is great right now.


Thank you all for reading. Sorry fianceeofshawnmendes if this is crappy I really tried xx

Also wow....

I'm speechless #1 on genres thank you all for reading xx

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I'm speechless #1 on genres thank you all for reading xx

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