Part 19

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Nandini's pov :

My sleep got disturbed by morning sun rays, I yawned loudly and stretched my arm upwards. I was slightly disoriented discovering I was in a room which was wooden, I got scared for a minute but then remembered manik rescuing me . I went into sleep in car itself due to the medicine effect, maybe ,he carried me here then I remembered,he sung a beautiful song to calm me down from my nightmare. How considerate of him .

Thinking of yesterday itself is scaring me to death . After manik dropped me at my dorm, I went inside casually


I was in room rummaging through my wardrobe for my night wears,I am tired after the adventure at the hill . I didn't even eat or sleep properly since I got to know about bhai's wedding. I was also feeling weak .

Then suddenly my warden mam came in with a cruel look on her face, I didn't like this lady from the start .

"Nandini sharma, you have to vacate the dorm immediately as you have not been paying the rent from two months " to say I was shocked was understatement. I mean this never happened to me before.

" mam, but how is that possible my brother can never be careless about this matter and it's been just three months since I joined and my brother told he payed one year rent " I explained her which my Bhai told me .

" so do you have the bills with you" I said no " so obviously you didn't pay, if you really payed that must have been recorded in register " she said with clear disdain on her face . What is her problem, what did I ever do to her.

" but mam you should at least give prior notice before, where can I go now and it's  night time. Please give me one week time, till then I will talk to my brother something must have gone wrong" I literally begged her .

" nandini I will not say this again you should vacant in one hour or else I will complain to authorities " she blackmailed me and the was gone.

I sat with a thud on bed , where can I go this time . I remembered navya and called her

"Hey nandu i have been calling you since morning where were you I didn't even see in college, ok listen I will not be able to help you in project for one week as I am at family wedding so please complete you portion I will catch up later." Great! The one who can help is on vacation what should i do now! " hello nandu, are you there" . "Yes navya ok enjoy . Okay I have to go bye" I ended the call .

Maybe I should just call Bhai, stupid nandu which you should do first, your doing it now . I was calling him continuously but it was coming switch off even my parents numbers are coming busy . I was biting my nails in tension what should I do now? Where can I go at this hour, I don't have sufficient money, even booking hotel room for one night . Now I realized how stupid have I been that I was being dependent on my brother for every single thing .

But I have three bags with me how can I carry them, I was thinking then I got an idea there is a store room on top of this building, it was not used and nobody goes there. It was already dinner time so, all people will be in dining hall . I can sneak easily and put my bags there . First I carried one bad after the other on to the terrace, but one problem it was locked then I remembered how maddy use to open my locker with a hair pin for stealing my chocolates . I took a hair pin from my hair and tried, and with lot of difficulty it opened with a click. The room was dark and dusty, I kept my luggage at end of the room behind a old sofa. I came out and just bolted the door and sneaked back in . I should probably go now if that devil comes she will ask me where is my luggage, I just have a wallet with some money and my phone, scarf and torch light . I was just walking aimlessly down the road then I saw the park and went inside . The park was also looking so gloomy like me . I just sat in the dark near the lake so that nobody can see me . I  just want this night to end quickly so that morning I will go to the cafe and ask grandpa for the help, he was lovable person maybe he can lend me some money to rent a small apparent for my self, I will return it to him after getting my first salary. After sitting there idle I sensed a movement and somebody calling me by my name I was already shocked reacted crazily but thank god manik saved me .

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