Part 24

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Manik's pov :

It was evening by the time I got up , and the home was so silent . Maybe nandini was still sleeping , I went into kitchen to make my self some coffee , then I went into hall and started watching tv with mute on . I was mindlessly watching some sports channel but my mind was on nandini's past . Her life was not easy she was grown without any real affection if it all anybody showed it was all pretense to gain her property .

Now another questioned raised who is her real father , there are no answers to my questions . I just hope ,the person I hired will do his job sincerely . If not then I can kidnap dhruv and beat him up so that he can spurt truth out , I know this idea is cruel but what they did to nandini is even more cruel . I can go to any extinct to safeguard my love .

I just hope she will listen to me so that I can protect her from any harm . Loving her has become my breathe , she controls my heartbeat ,without her by my side the colors which entered I am afraid it will fade away if she doesn't accept me .

I got the call from investigator ,

"Hello" I picked immediately with anxiousness ........

"Sir, miss. Nandhini's father is someone else but I couldn't get the name ,but I will surely get it in a day or two .somebody cleared all the records I know it is tough but it is not impossible . But the concerning thing is  miss. Nandini was only one year when she was adopted and I am not able trace out her parents whether they are there are not ." He told increasing my fear about nandhini's safety.

I just cut the call without any answer how can a innocent and pure girl like her had a troubled life . Such a pity ,her adopted parents can't see her real value .

But no worries I can be everything in her life if she gives me chance .

I got up and went into nandinis room ,I just want to calm my heart after hearing such information . Her being near is enough to forget all my tensions . She is my calming pill .

When I opened the door she was not on the bed , maybe she is in bathroom " nandini" I called her out but there was no response . I was worried so I opened the bathroom door after knocking , she was not there too which increased my tension .

I started searching the balcony and the verandah , I was going crazy when I found a slip sticking on the fridge , I frowned

Mister Malhotra ,

I know I am your employee and  guest , but that doesn't give you right to order me around.
I am my own person , so dare you to tell me what to do !
Anyways I am going outside for sightseeing I will come in hour or two.........
She drew a face with tongue hanging out .

Such a silly girl ,there is danger wandering around her and madam went out for picnic . What should i do now ,if anything happens I am not by her side to protect her.

Why can't she listen to me !!!!! Dammit.

Love where are you ? I don't even know where you went . Should I place a complaint . What a mess .

I was pacing here and there after a while I sat on the sofa with the letter she left . Her and her crazy antics .

Maybe from now on I should be a little harsh towards her so that ,then maybe she can listen to me . Man how can I shout at her if she puts on her puppy face .

It was almost nightfall , is she alright . I just hope she safely returns her home. Please nandini be safe !

Then there was front door opening sound heard, I immediately looked up ,so the madam grazed me with her appearance.

I was enraged I took my steps toward while she was rooted at her spot looking pale . I questioned where she was , but she looked like  deer caught in head lights . But then suddenly she fainted I took her in my arms and went to my room .

I sprinkled some water on her and went to get lime juice for her . When I came back she was gaining her conscience  . Thank goodness maybe I shouldn't have shouted on her . I immediately went and hugged her , I need to feel her to assure myself that she is with me safe and sound

"Nandini I am sorry please forgive me , I was worried when I couldn't find you and I unreasonably shouted on you . "
I said to her still holding her tightly .

"I am sorry I have been reckless ,to prove a point . And now your so worried to an extinct  that your sweating in the cold weather it is all my fault manik you don't need to apologize . I couldn't understand your concern before , I thought your ordering me ,but now I have seen you in this condition , I promise to abide all your rules . But manik don't you think your worrying for nothing I just went outside " she said .

How can I tell my innocent girl that the family she has been trusting blindly is not even hers . I don't even where her parents are?

How can my love bear all this . I must hide it for now! I should just protect her . Telling about her family is not the right time if doesn't believe me then it will be more bigger problem . If dhruv by chance got to know that iam digging his family information then he will get alert and maybe even take nandhini with him . I should be calm and do my work silently . Once everything comes out I will inform nandini .

Now I have to concentrate on strengthening my relationship with nandini so that nobody can separate us .

"Manik !what are you thinking ?see I am here please stop worrying " nandini shook me . I just nodded . I was still hugging her tightly I loosened the grip Lightly but I am not willing to let go of her yet.

I moved back  "so where did you go , you could have asked me . I will take you anywhere you want to go , why do you have to sneak away "

She huffed lightly and nervously tucked her shirt " when you ordered me I didn't like it . I never do good with orders if someone order me I try to rebel ." She said .

"And you exhausted your self so much that you even fainted , Doctor already told to take care for some days . That's why I ordered you , I am sorry " I told her sincerely .

"No manik don't make me feel ashamed , I should know how to be thankful " she told sighting sadly .

"And me fainting is not because of feeling weak , I just remembered something from my childhood " she told me.

What did she mean did her nothing good for parents abused her.

"Why do you mean nandini ?" I asked her sternly .

Tears were filled in her eyes instantly I was quick to hug her again. Her body was trembling.

So many dark secrets are coming out !

Brace your self guys it's going to be emotional ride ...........

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