💜Stenbrough: Party💜

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Set in 2019


Bills POV
  Richie dragged me to a college party to celebrate our last year in high school. I really didn't wanna go but he claimed that I need to get out of the house. I'm perfectly fine with staying at home and watching Netflix everyday. I'm not really a people person. I really only have 4 friends, Beverly, Ben, Richie and Mike. He asked them all before me. Ben and Bev said they were busy tonight and Mike said that he couldn't, so I was his last resort. He told me that he wanted to get laid (no surprise) and he just wanted me to have some fun, so I said yes.
We walked in and it reeks of sweaty teens and alcohol. Everyone was dancing and drinking and a few people were passed out on the couch. I tried to stay close to Richie as we pass through people. We went to the kitchen where it wasn't crowded, except for a few people standing around. I was busy looking around when I see Richie handed me a cup with something in it.
"What is this?" I asked him.
"Dunno, most likely Vodka" he replied back taking a sip of his drink.
I looked in my cup again and I slowly brung the cup to my lips. I felt the liquid fall down my throat, burning a little bit. It tasted kinda good because it was mixed in with some juice, and I finished the drink. I took my cup and filled it up again.
After about 4 or 5 drinks, I was starting to feel the effects. Richie was drunk and just dancing aimlessly. When another song came on, I saw two people dancing on a table. One was a boy with short with brown curly hair and he was wearing high waisted faded black jeans. The boy beside him was breathtaking. He had golden curly hair and he was smiling and his smile was so pretty. He was taller than the boy next to him. He also had on high waisted shorts but they were white and he had on a cropped baby blue sweatshirt. I stood in place watching him dancing and I glanced to my left and saw Richie staring at the shorter boy. I glanced back at the boy and we locked eyes. He smiled at me, still dancing. Swinging his hips, with no care in the world. When the song ended, they began laughing and got off the table. I took another sip of my drink and I saw the boy with the golden curls walking up to me.
"Hi" he said
"Hey" I replied
"I saw you staring at me" he said
"Uh, well you were on the table, pretty hard to miss you" I said and he just giggled. He took the drink from my hand and took a sip.
"I'm Stan" He said
"Well Bill, you're really cute and I would like for you to go on a date with me"
"But you don't know me" I said
"Isn't that what a date is for, for us to get to know each other?" He said while smirking.
"Good point" I said and he laughed.
"So, is that a yes?" He said and I nodded.
I looked over at Richie who was making out with the boy who was dancing next to Stan.
"That's my friend Eddie. Seems like he really likes your friend" Stan said to me.
"You have no idea."


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