❤️Reddie: Mine❤️

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A/N Mentions on Mpreg, do u wanna see someone be pregnant?
Richies POV
I was waiting at the bus stop for my bus, wanting to go home after a tiring day. When my bus got here, I was excited to see that it was mostly empty except for a few people. I swiped my metro card and went to go sit in the back of the bus. I sat down across from a man and his daughter. The little girl was sleeping in the mans lap and the man was on his phone. He looked very familiar. He put his phone away and he looked up. My eyes widened when I realized who it was.
"Eddie?!" I exclaimed
His eyes widened too "Richie?" He said "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" I repeated
"I just moved here"
"Uh, well how you been?" I asked
The last time we saw each other was when we left for different colleges, which was also the day we broke up after four years.
"Um, I'm ok"
"Good, good. So did you find someone else?" I said
He shook his head "No, not after you know, us"
"Wait, so then whose her father" I said referring to the little girl still asleep against his chest.
"Remember what happened before we left?"
I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was filled with tears and sadness. We had some very emotional goodbye sex before we left each other.
"Of course I do" I told him
"Connect the fucking dots Richie" he said annoyed
It took me a minute but I finally understood.
"Wait, sh-she's mine?" I stammered
"Yes she is"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared ok? I was 18, I was afraid you wouldn't want anything to do with me"
"Eddie, you know you were the love of my life, you still are, why in the hell did you think I wouldn't want any part of this?"
"I don't know, I was scared"
I looked at the little girl, and saw she actually looked like the perfect mix of Eddie and I.
"What's her name?"
"Natalia Ruby Tozier" he told me (a/n real quick lxvelillis gave me so many suggestions it was hard to choose so thx for that❤️)
"Why did you give her my last name and not yours?" I asked softly
"Because - I don't really know"
"How old is she?"
"She's 4, she's turning 5 soon. This girl is the light of my life"
"I bet. Listen Eddie, I really wanna be in her life, you know I've always wanted kids with you when we got older, but it happened sooner than expected" he gave me a small smile
"It's been so long, how do you know things won't be different"
"Because the way I feel about you never changed, no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other."
"You really wanna be in her life?"
"Yes, and if you're up to it, I'm willing to give us a try again as well"
"Ok, but I wanna take it slow"
"Whatever you want"
The bus came to my stop. I stood up and so did Eddie.
"This your stop?" I asked him
We got off the bus and Natalia woke up in Eddies arms.
"Wait where do you live?" I asked him
"Right there"
He was directing towards the same building I lived in.
"Wait I live here too"
"Wait seriously?"
"Yeah, how come we haven't passed each other?"
"Well, I've only been here for a week so I'm glad it happened sooner than later" he told me
"Daddy, whose that?" Natalia asked Eddie
"This is Richie" he told her "He is daddy's very special friend"
"Hi Richie" she said. Her 'R' sounded like a 'W' so it sounded like Wichie
"Hello" I said
We got into the building and we waited for the elevator.
"What floor do you live on?" He asked me
"4th floor, you?"
"3rd, in 3B"
We got in the elevator and I pressed the buttons for the third and fourth floor.
"I'm in 4B, so if you ever wanna see me, just come upstairs"
He smiled and we got to his floor.
"I'll definitely come see you"
"Bye Richie" Natalia said
They walked out the elevator and I had a huge smile on my face.


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