❤️Reddie: Help❤️

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Age: 17
Eddies POV
I was home alone, in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang. My mom was working until morning and it was also storming outside, so the doorbell ringing scared me a bit. I got up off the couch and went to go open the door. When I opened it, behind it stood my tall, lanky boyfriend, soaking wet from the pouring rain, visibly shivering.
"Hey Eds" he said
"Richie, what are you doing here, it's 10 at night" I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside to get him from the cold.
"Went and Maggie are fighting again, so I snuck out my window" he told me
"Hold on let me get you some clothes to change into"
I ran up to my room and got some clothes he left here when he slept over. I got a shirt and sweatpants and I found a heavy blanket that would warm him up a bit. I went back downstairs and I set the blanket on the couch and I handed him his clothes.
"Here, go change" I told him
He took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. When he came back wearing the new clothes, he had his wet clothes in his hand which he handed to Eddie.
"Go sit on the couch with that blanket and I'll put your clothes in the dryer, then I'll make you some tea"
"Eds, you know I hate tea" he said
"Too bad, you're gonna drink it" I said
I went to the laundry room and I put his close in the dry and set it for about 30 minutes.
I walked out and I saw Richie sitting on the couch, wrapped up in the blanket, laying down watching whatever was on TV. He looked so peaceful. I went to the kitchen and set a pot of water to boil. When it was boiling, I poured the water into a cup with a tea bag. When the tea was finished, I got a spoon and I put it into the cup and walked back to the living room. I set the hot cup onto the coffee table.
"Let it cool off first" I said
I sat next to him, but he pulled the blanket back and held his arms out.
"Come here, I'm not warm enough, I need my little Eds" he said
I rolled my eyes fondly and I got up and I laid in front of him, facing him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
"Thanks for taking care of me Eds, even when I pop up out of nowhere" he said softly
"I'm supposed to take care of you" I replied
"No you don't"
"Yeah I do"
"No you don't, you make me happy just by being with me.  You listen to me, you're a fucking dream"
"You're a huge sap" I said
He kissed my nose "Only for you sweetheart"
"What were you're parents fighting about?" I asked him
"I honestly don't know. All I heard was yelling, my name thrown around a few times, but I'm not sure. I just tune them out"
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I am, I just needed to be with you"
I kissed his forehead then his lips. "I'll always be here, no matter what"
"I know you will"


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