💖Benverly: Accident Pt.6💖

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Age: 17
September 27th
Bevs POV
I'm now 9 months pregnant and it's so hard to move around, it's hard to get comfortable when I'm sleeping and I'm very irritable. I woke up one morning with my back hurting really bad. I slowly got out of bed and I waddled to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I leaned down to rinse my mouth, I felt warm liquid on my pants. I looked down to see if I got water on my pants but I didn't. Then I felt pressure and pain and then I realized holy shit I'm going into labor two weeks early.
I stood up and walked as fast as I could to go wake Ben up. I shook his shoulder until he woke up.
"Hmm what is it?" He mumbled
"My water broke" I told him
His eyes widened and he shot up off the bed.
"Um o-ok l-let me get my mom" He ran out the room and I was holding my stomach.
Everything seemed to be flashing by and slowing down at the same time. Soon enough, we were in the car driving to the hospital. I was laying in the hospital bed with contractions 8 minutes apart. Ben was sitting beside me and he was holding my hand.
"How you feeling Bevvy?" He asked me
"I'm ok aside from the dull ache in my stomach"
He kissed my forehead and I smiled softly.
"Do you know what you wanna name her?" He asked me
"I was looking online for name suggestions and none really fit but I saw one that I think is really pretty"
"What was it?"
"I think it's beautiful"
I smiled at him "Did you call the others?" I asked
"Yeah, they're on their way"
Just then, the door burst open, the losers all piling in. They were all talking simultaneously and I just chuckled.
"Damn it's finally happening" I heard Richie say
"It is" I said
"What are you gonna name her?" Eddie asked
"Briella Richelle Hanscom" I said
"Aww that's pretty" Bill spoke up
"Why Richelle?" Stan asked
"Because I needed to figure out a way to make Richies name feminine"
"Wait what?" Richie said
I sucked in a huge breath as I felt another contraction happen. I squeezed my eyes shut and continued to breath. I felt Ben run a hand through my hair. A doctor walked in and I heard her saying something about how she needed to check how dilated I was. She said that the baby was coming now and everyone but Ben needed to leave. I began to panic.
"Ben I'm scared" I said as the doctor adjusted the bed so I was sitting up and she positioned my legs so I could get this baby out.
"You'll be ok Bevvy I promise" he kissed my head
"Alright Beverly I'm gonna need you to push" the doctor said.
I did as she said while holding Bens hand and I am pretty sure I might have broken it. The doctor said to stop and I leaned against the pillows and took deep breaths. Ben was next to me with encouraging words when the doctor said I had to push again. Finally, after one more push, a high pitched cry was heard throughout the room. I sighed and leaned back again. I felt Ben kiss my forehead once more. The doctors were cleaning her up and when they were finished, they handed her to me. I looked down at her and saw that her eyes were closed. She looked like the perfect mix of Ben and I with my nose and his lips, I just wanna see whose eyes and hair she has. I lifted up the little hat she had on her head and peeked under it and saw she had red haired just like mine. My smiled became wider as I looked at Ben.
"Look how beautiful she is" I said
"She's precious" Ben said softly
Bens mom and the losers all walked in again, cooing at the baby I was holding in my arms.
"Oh my good she's beautiful" Mrs. Hanscom said "Can I hold her?" She asked
  I nodded and handed. Briella to her carefully. She looked absolutely in awe with the fact that she had a granddaughter. I looked back at Ben who had tears welling up in his eyes.
"I love you" I told him
"I love you too, so much"
  I heard Briella make little noises and Mrs. Hanscom handed her back to me. I saw her trying to open her eyes and when she did, I was able to see that her eyes were just like mine, big and blue.
"Aww she has my eyes" I said
"Makes her even more beautiful" Ben said
Each of the losers had a chance to hold her and they were all just so happy at the fact they had a little niece. Soon enough, it was time for everyone to leave. Mrs. Hanscom decided to go home and said that she'll come back tomorrow and to call her if we needed anything.
Briella was in her bassinet sounds asleep and Ben and I were laying on the hospital bed. I had my head on his chest and he had an arm wrapped around me.
"Thank you so much for not leaving me" I told him
"I would never leave you Bevvy, you know that"
"I know, even before I got pregnant. I have so much baggage and you stuck with me throughout all of it since we were 14 and I just love you so much"
"I love you too. I would never hurt you like that. You've been through a lot and yes it affected you, but I'm not gonna leave just because stuff happened to you. We have a beautiful daughter together and I already know I'm gonna propose to you one day. You are the love of my life and I'm not going anywhere"
I began to cry and I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Sorry, I'm just emotional" I said softly
"It's ok, you don't need to cry"
I looked up and leaned in and kissed him.
"You are the perfect man Ben Hanscom" I said against his lips


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