❤️Reddie: Quit❤️

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Set in 2019
Age: 17
Richies POV
I was waiting for Eddie to get out of school. See, I had gotten suspended a few days prior for a minor setting off the fire alarm incident. It was Monday and I had gotten suspended for a week so until next Monday, I can't go back to school and I could only see my friends until after school.
When Eddie found out what I did, he was so mad, but he looked adorable yelling at me, can you blame me have you seen him?
I heard the bell ring from inside the school and students began to flood out the building. I looked over all of the heads that came out to look for a short curly brown head full of hair. I saw Eddie rush out the school and when he saw me, he grinned and he ran over to me, not caring who he bumped into.
He wrapped his arms around me and I held him close to my chest.
"I missed you so much Chee" he said into my chest
"I missed you too Eds"
  I felt him slowly pull away from and he looked up at me with a frown on his face.
"You smoked" he told me
"W-What? No I didn't" Oh shit. When Eddie found out I smoked, he really went off on me, like he didn't speak to me for a week. I told him I would quit for him and I did, until I had gotten suspended. My parents yelled at me and in my fucked up brain, the only way to get my mind off things, was to light a cigarette. I knew he would freak if he found out, and I hate myself for it.
"Yes you did, I can smell the smoke mixed in with your cologne" he told me
"Eddie, I'm sorry" I told him
"How could you?" He exclaimed
"I'm sorry, I've just been stressed ok?" I told him
"You promised me you would stop" he said tears welling up in his eyes.
"I know and I feel awful I'm so sorry" I said
"I- I cant be around you right now, I'm going home" he said
"Eds, no come on" I said grabbing his arm
"I'm going home Richie"
"I love you" I blurted out
"I love you too" he said and walking away from me
I watched him walk away and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was Mike.
"What happened with Eddie?" He asked
"Uh, nothing, hey look I'm just gonna head home ok?" I told him
"Uh, ok but why?"
"I'm just tired, I'll see you tomorrow" I said while giving him a pained smile and walking away.
Time Skip
Eddies POV
  It was around 9pm and I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I can't believe Richie smoked. I don't want to have to repeat what happened with my dad. My dad gotten lung cancer and he spent the rest of his life in the hospital and I was their the entire time. The day he died, was the worst day of my life. I was sitting next to his bed holding his hand as his heart was beating slowly, then it flatlined. I broke down in one of the nurses arms and I was a wreck.
  I never want to go through that again. So when I found out he smoked, I really made sure he felt my pain. I don't even wanna see him right now.
  I heard a knock on my window and I looked over and saw the familiar head full of black curls. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. He knocked again this time he didn't stop. I rolled my eyes and I stood up and walked over to the window and opened it.
"Go away" I said about to close the window again but Richie held his hand up holding the window open
"Eddie please let me talk to you" he said
"Please baby boy" he said knowing that nickname turns me soft
  I glared at him and I moved back to let him be able to come inside my room.
"Why are you here?" I asked
"Because you know I can't be at home knowing you're mad at me"
"You know why I'm mad at you" I said
"I know and I'm so sorry that I smoked I know how much you hate it, I'm sorry, I really did quit for you, I'm so so so sorry baby please believe me"
  I looked at him and his eyes were full of regret.
"I just don't want you to end up like my dad Richie, you know how traumatizing that was for me" I said softly
"I know and I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again, I really do"
"Promise?" I said
"I promise" he repeated
"So, are you still mad at me?" He asked me
"A little, you're missing something"
"What's that?"
"A kiss" I said stepping closer to him
  He smiled and he took my face in his hands and gave me a passionate kiss.
"I'm sorry" He told me once we pulled away from each other
"I know"
"I love you" He said
"I love you too"


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