🧡Henclair: Hugs🧡

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Set in 2019
Age: 15/16
Dustin's POV
Tonight the party is going to have a movie night at Mikes house. I wasn't really looking forward to it because the movie that was chosen to watch for the night was Insidious and I hate scary movies. We were all sitting in the basement, I was sitting on the floor next to Lucas and Mike and Will were sitting on the couch, with Max and El sitting next to them. I was really nervous, but I didn't wanna show it and ruin everyone's time. The movie began to play and my heart began to hammer in my chest. (a/n I've never seen insidious but I read about it on Wikipedia)
Halfway through the movie, a fucking demon popped up on the screen and I jumped a bit. Lucas looked at me worriedly.
"You ok?" He asked me softly
"Y-Yeah I'm fine" I replied
I looked back at the screen and the demon wasn't there anymore. I sighed softly and continued to watch. Soon, the movie became too much. I was slightly trembling and I wasn't looking. I stood up from my spot and I went upstairs. I went to the bathroom and I closed the door behind me. I sat down on the toilet seat and I rested my head in my hands and took some deep breaths. Horror movies really freak me out and I can't really handle them. Nobody knows and I don't say anything so I can't really blame my friends. I heard the door open and I looked up and saw it was Lucas. He closed the door and he crouched down to my height and he just wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder.
"What's the matter Dusty?" He asked me
"Scary movies just freak me out, it's not a big deal" I said softly.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He pulled away to look at me in the eyes.
"Because I didn't want to ruin anything. You guys were so excited to watch it so I didn't say anything"
"You still should've told me, I would've said something if you wanted me to"
"I know, I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry, just tell me next time ok?"
He kissed my forehead, then my lips. We didn't want the party to know we were together. We think we wanted to just have the happiness to ourselves for a while before we tell them, yet we had a feeling they probably knew and didn't say anything.
"Do you wanna go back down there?" He asked me
I nodded and we both stood up. He opened the door and we walked back down to the basement. We looked at the TV screen and we saw the credits rolling.
"Where the fuck were you?" Max said
"We were just talking" I said to her
"Mhm sure" she said
I just flipped her off and we sat back down.
"Thanks for coming to check on me" I said to Lucas
"You were upset and I love you so why wouldn't l?"
"You're a sap" I told him while chuckling
"Only for you"


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