💖Benverly: Accident Pt. 2💖

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Age: 17
2 weeks later...
Beverlys POV
  I was sitting with Ben on his bed, with my head on his shoulder and he had an arm wrapped around me. I was thinking about this whole situation and what I should do. The first step maybe, should be to tell my aunt.
"Benny?" I said
"I'm gonna tell my aunt" I said
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I can't it from her any longer, and I think maybe you should tell your mom"
"You sure?"
A couple hours later, I decided to leave and go back home and get this whole thing over with. I walked into my house, shaking with fear I haven't felt in a long time. My aunt was sitting on the couch watching TV. She turned to me and smiled.
"Hey Bev" she said
"Hey Clara" I said sheepishly
I walked over to the couch and sat next to her.
"You ok?" She asked me
"Um, I have something to tell you"
She grabbed the TV remote and muted the TV.
"What is it?"
"So, um, promise you won't hate me?"
"Beverly What is it?"
"I'm pregnant" I blurted out
Her eyes bulged out of her head.
"What?" She said softly
"I'm pregnant" I repeated.
"I heard you the first time. Is it Bens?" She asked
"Yes of course it is"
"Does he know?"
"What did he say about all this?"
"He said he would support me throughout this"
"I hope he can support you when you need a place to stay"
"I'm sorry Beverly, you can't raise a baby here, this place is too small and it's not enough space. I'm sorry" she stood up. "I need time to think" she walked upstairs.
I began to silently cry and I went to grab my phone and I called Ben and I told him everything that just happened. He told me I could go over to his house to get away from her. I grabbed my jacket and my keys and I left the house, slamming the door. I practically sped walked to his house.
When I got there, Ben was sitting on his front porch and when he saw me, he stood up. I ran to him and he hugged me and I cried into his chest.
"Shh, it's ok" he said stroking my hair.
"Why would she do this to me?!" I exclaimed
"I don't know Bevvy"
I looked up at him.
"Did you tell your mom?" I asked while sniffling
"Yeah I did, she was shocked, but she said she would help us if we needed it"
"That's good" i said
"Do you wanna go inside?"
"Yeah, I wanna just go to sleep"
"Ok, come on"
We went inside his house and he took off my jacket for me and hung it up and I took off my shoes. I felt him pick me up bridal style and I smiled softly. I laid my head on his chest as he carried me upstairs. We got to his room and he laid me down on his bed and he put a blanket over me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"I love you" he told me
"I love you too"
I fell asleep with a soft smile in my face.


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